Hey... welcome!! Yeah, is me, Excasr's sister! XD I hope you're enjoying the chorus!
... What should I say? Give me that pin? '-'
Jessica was stabbed to death by three classmates. A girl, the girl's brother and his girlfriend. Apparently, the girl was jealous of Jessica and there are reports that had threatened before the class begins. Jesica wasn't taken seriously, and after school, was cornered by three and was killed. Brother of the psychopath prevented others from approaching. And so ended another life. Fiapinho hadn't chance to say "I love you" to Jessica. Life is short, please do not disperdissem, nobody knows what may happen tomorrow with the beloved.
I bet my little bro Excasr. Lexibrag sorry, but you're a little slow. I lent him my Twilight before July and you don't finished reading it. I want my book back up in February, don't forget --'
I think it means the closer you get of the confront between the light and darkness, the easier you get to change your side. After all, "the higher is, the greater the fall should be".
My God, I'm sorry, I forgot to answer you! DX My brother is sending me videos and I stopped to watch. Many apologies for the delay. Nice to meet...
I'll watch the videos, but first, see this here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FAvWYv613I&NR=1 Since you like piano music, this video is a...
Is how you spell "macabro"?
thanks. hey, this video is macabre! O_________________O
heeeeeey, please, could you pass the video link from that of Alice in Wonderland? *------*
heeey, I'm in Pottermore! My username is SunNox196, and I am registered since July. I'm a Gryffindor, was sure this would be my House!
T_T sorry... I had not realized... so, you finished that game? O_O
Hey, you are kidding, no? "Don't do anything funny here, or I'll tell mommy." What I could make so serious? '-' P.S. I'm using Google...
XD!!! I LOVE Flyleaf!! All around me... this song is so beautiful!!! <3 I lovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelove the first video! very very cute. Congrats! :D
I want to do a complement to this post. Riku's hair is awful! I HATE it!!! Who did this with my Riku??? O____O Bro, you had to say this too, what a lane... '¬¬ Riku's very very young now, he have lost all the dramatical part he had before this. Berofe, he sound like someone very smart and serious, but now he's looks younger than Sora. T_T #disappointed
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days... '-'
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days '-'
Hey, I don't know what I doing... '-' ... ...... .......... heeeeeeey, you prefere KHI or KHII or KHD??? ^_^
Hello guys! My brother just register me here! Maybe you guys already know him, Excasr. He didn't want to make a thread for me, so I though maybe I COULD do this by myself. I'm a Kingdom Hearts fan, I played KH and KHII, but I would say I don't play so good... The others kh I have see and know a little about the story. See ya, and have a good night... G'Nighttttt :D