I must be really slow but I've seen that video only yesterday [ Though it came out last year ], and I must say i'm happy and a bit disapointed at the same time. The graphics are amazing for sure, but... during gameplay ? Really ? It'd be during a cinematic I wouldn't mind at all, but during the playing parts that's a bit too much. I almost found it ugly. Well the game isn't finished yet but still... I hope they will make that a bit... I mean smoother. Otherwise it looks good ! The big what fhe f*ck was the flying Chrismas-like train xD That makes the fight a bit less... serious. But by saying that, I know someone will be like '' Yeah well it's Kingdom Hearts, not Assassin's Creed ''. But as long as I have my favorite Trio back i'm more than happy even if he rides a train or a horse from a Caroussel haha But i fear it might be a bit KH3D-like because of that [ And everyone said at some point that this game has been created under cyanure xD ].
Here's mine at the moment =)
For me it's the brand new song from Three days grace : Painkiller. Wich is really awesome. It's a shame the singer changed. But I think this song fits better to the new singer than Adam actually. I really like it !
Hahah I love the explanation of our humiliating defeat xD Same for me, I was always loosing. Pretty much because the first times, I didn't know how the map was, everything was on the way, it was so annoying. And omg these trees at the end... When I used to pass on the side, Riku won the race by jumping from a tree to another. When I tried the tree for Riku to take the longer route on the side, I couldn't help but falling every single time from one, and having to use the side path... How frustrating it was !
Naah don't hate me Wilsy =D She is really cute yeah xD And her voice is just sooo good to hear xD Thank you Senpai ! Or should I say Faith. You have a really beautiful name =) I wish I was called after something like that. But my name is a bit more common [ through not that much fortunately xD ]. I also studied Latin at school. It was so much interesting, knowing the meaning of our actual words, their roots, where it comes from. I loved it ! And I appreciate your enthusiasm ! I would glady stay forever 8D * go and sit on a Paopou Tree *
It's maybe me but I can't see any picture of the second sandwich from Nova =0 The first Sandwich is really cool, I love the Heart shape wich goes obviously well with the Kingdom Hearts theme, and I love apples U_U Nice preparation ! The second Sandwich look delicious actually ! Just by watching these, I'm hungry xD It looks nice and well prepared. [ Hope you liked if you ate them xD ] The third sandwich is great as well ! I loved the fact that you named it after the Symphony wich is a good choice as the dish looks like a total symphony but with food instead of music. Nice work everyone =)
I must admit, I loved that quote too. A while ago, I was watching a long video of KH 365/2 Days in order to see all the story at once, and when you think about it, Axel is always the one left behind, helping Roxas and Xion, bringing them back without or with force. And at that point when he gets mad because he has enough to see the team torn appart, he just let everything go and say that whatever happens, he'll be there to bring them again. I almost cried, and my skin turned into a Chicken's skin xD It was so beautiful. But I think my favourite quote of Kingdom Hearts will still be : '' Although my heart may be weak, it’s not alone. It’s grown with each new experience, and it’s found a home with all the friends I’ve made. I’ve become a part of their heart just as they’ve become a part of mine. And if they think of me now and then… If they don’t forget me… Then our hearts will be one. I don’t need a weapon. My friends are my power ! ''
What i'm going to say is maybe stupid but it'll worth a try I think xD I think that Riku still though that Highwind was a good name, and since he's in relation with Mikey since KH CoM, when Mikey gave them a Gummi Ship in KH2, Riku maybe helped him to name it, so it was called Highwind. So here we go, Sora maybe won the race in KH 1, but the Highwind name remained in Riku's mind as it reminded him of their thoughs of adventure, and Mikey used it for his ship u_u
Laplace : Thank you =D Don't worry nothing has to be worthy xD It's already really nice of you to great me for coming in the forum. =) You sing ? I honestly would love to hear that ! I love singing as well, but can go too high, my voice is okey but not on a louder note haha Or actually I never try to train it to go higher... xD Wilson : Hahah oui, j'peux plus attendre u__u Daenerys va tout péter. [ By the way I met Maisie Williams, the girl who plays Arya Stark. Well I actually bumped into her, just randomly in a street xD I was sooo happy to talk to her ! ] Ienzo : Thanks humble Modo Ienzy =) And yeah I said the reason why I left the forum I was in ; The admin changed, and the new one is kind of a dick [ no sorry : Totally a dick ]. He is very good with softwares, codes and all, but not with rules and interaction with members, or solving problems. So the forum turned into a wasteland with arrogant people in the staff tho they're not even 17 years old and just wanted to be in the Staff just to say '' I-am-in-the-staff ''. I don't judge people and hate to say or do bad things, so I prefered to leave. The forum already started to become something that I didn't belong to anymore, anyway. Time changes and I couldn't stay there forever I guess. =) Oh I almost forgot : I saw some of you like Avatar The Last Airbender and Korra, I looove those series as well. I will be cosplayed in Sokka in Jully for an Event haha =) Sokka is my god xD I love that guy. Can't wait for season 3 of Korra ~
I actually love the Anti-Form, it's my favourite. The reason is that because of the moves [ that so many people find annoying ]. It's toderly unpredictable and cool [ kind of like Rock Lee in Naruto, when he drinks alcohol and fights against Kimimaro ]. It's not really a style of fighting, it's more instinctive, fast and offensive. With nice moves. I actually was so happy everytime I got the Anti-form haha
Hoy thanks all for your replies ! I'm glad everyone has read my long post [ or maybe not but i'll trust you =P ]. Tale : Thanks ! Yeap i'll probably post some of my works someday. Need the motivation * look at the '' motivation '' far away in the landascape. * Karuta : Merci ! I'll check out the video from the website then, I don't doubt you've put a lot of effort into it =) I know how hard it is sometimes~ Llaverion : Haha i'll pretend I didn't read the bad part =p but thanks I'll entertain you if you need a cattle =p Patman : Hey merci à toi aussi =) Et sinon, j'étais sur KHisland, depuis les tout débuts. C'était un magnifique forum pendant des années mais maintenant il est devenu degueulasse et rempli de stupides jeunes. L'admin a changé l'an dernier et j'peux pas piffrer le nouveau donc j'ai préféré partir plutot que de voir mon magnifique forum auquel je tenais tant devenir horrible. Il était génial avant, les gens étaient juste super, mais les temps changent et les noobs envahissent. Hyuge : Thank you too =) I loved doing RPG before ! That was fun and I loved playing a character, someone I could give all the feeling I have to and make him act and interact with others the way I would have loved to be. Maybe I'll join soon then =)
Hey everyone ! First of all, I'm really glad to finally step again in a Kingdom Hearts Forum. It's been so long that I guess I missed it. Really. I checked loads of Websites before coming here, I wanted to find a nice one, good looking, with a kind and big community and all the news we look for about the Games. And over all the websites, this one is my '' favourite ''. So I will settle here with you guys =) About me, [ and sorry but I guess talking about ourselves means leaving the modesty outside xD ] I'm really nice and funny, always here to listen my friends, I love talking to everyone and create bonds between us. Creating memories every moment I spend with people. More important, I'm 24 and french [ Yeap ! ], Living for 2 years and half in London now [ and I love it ]. I love reading Mangas, mostly Shonen, Shonen ai, Seinen, like : Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, XXX holic, Naruto, Gate 7, Blade of the Immortal, MPD Psycho, and all the books from Yumeka Sumomo [ known as well under those names : Sahara Mizu, Sasshi. ]. I am a Film lover, I watch everything I find interesting or entertaining. It's mostly films with complicated, twisted story that you have to watch many times before you get everything, like : Inception, Primer, The Prestige, Mulholland Drive, Donnie Darko, Birth, Mr Nobody [ my favourite ], Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind [ second favourite xD ], Ender's Game, and other movies. Let me know if you want to debate about any of them =) About series, the one that is in my heart is Game of Thrones. It's just amazing [ and the word is not enough ]. Less than 10 days before season 4 people ! About my '' skills ', I love drawing, Painting, juggling, creating things out of clay, and making cosplays. Doing Archery and playing violin [ even if i'm not good at the last one... ]. I love playing Minecraft, Warframe and Team Fortress. If any of you is interested in playing together, don't wait, send me an E-mail =) That's it I guess ! Oh and I'd like to add : I was on another KH forum before, a french one. I was there for 8/9 years, it was like my second home, I knew everyone, everything, I loved to entertain people there and having really good laughs. Some people from there became my best friends and we're still seeing each others when I come back in France for Manga events. After few years, I became a Moderator [ Tho it wasn't my intention, it just happened because I wanted to bring my help in times where they were weak in loads of domains. ]. I was checking the forum, advising people, helping, did some Podcasts for the Website, and I even Created a montlhy '' Online Newspaper '' [ that I still have if you ever want to have a look ]. But before all of this I still remained a member like everyone and treated everyone normally. Anyway, all of this was just to say, if you need someone to bring new ideas, I would be glad to help any time =) Sorry for the long introduction ! I love writing and especially about something that I love ; Kingdom hearts is a part of my childhood, and I grew with it. I really hope the 3rd part will be awesome [ and that they will change Riku's haircut from KH 3D wich was horrible. I want Riku from KH 2 back ! xD ]. Anyway drop me a line any time in my inbox or anywhere if you wanna talk ! I hope to feel good in this Forum with you all =) Sokhu. PS : My Username '' Sokhu '' is originally '' Soku ''. It comes from '' SOra '' and RiKU ''. But since '' Soku '' is already registered [ wich is a shame cause I am really attached to that name that I have since 2003. ], I've added an ' H '.