Oh my! Poor him.
So what chapter is this going to be about?????
Wow this is really good can't wait for the next chapter.
I bet you would have.
Don't worry shes not really gone. She will always be n your heart.
I bet she would be.
Oh I'm so sorry. It must be sad not having her around.
My Aunt died last year. She had a tumer in her stomach and it was to big to remove. Everyone was sad on that day. Were still sad but we will never...
Well thats good of you to do that for your aunt.
For who???
So where are you going?
Do you have to?
KH 1 and 2 and soon will be getting KH Re Chain of Memories.
Lol yeah. So how many KH games do you have?
I don't really do much.
Yeah it is isn't it.
I liked that one to.
Some of them arn't really funny. But I put them on any way.