I am positively sure.
Really what????????? I want to know.
hahahahahahahaha your hilarious =)
Yeah =) =) =) =)
Yup I found $10 dollars on the ground when I was walking home from school. I looked around to see if someone dropped it but I couldn't see anyone...
Sooooooo what do you want to talk about????
I'm great thank you. How are you?
Ok I will Bye!!!!
Ummm listen have to go bed time =( See ya.
Awwwwww thanks
Sweet oh here is the story that I wrote http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=82114
Ok this is a story i wanted to write to see if people like my writting any way here is the story. _________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1 Sarah ran away from the heartless that follow her through the woods. She was about to collapse but she kept on going. Sarah suddenly tripped over a rock. "AAAHH!!!" She screamed landing on her face. Before Sarah could get up the heartless tackled her. Sarah triend to fight but the heartless kept her down. She could feel her heart being pulled out of her body. Soon everthing went dark. Sarah woke up in the middle of the forest. Her head was spinning and throbbing with pain. She put her hand on her head. "What where am I?" She said trying to get up. Suddenly a man in a black cloak appeared in front of her. She couldn't see his face properly bu she could see a little bit of his yellow eyes. "Who....who are you?" Sarah asked. The man held out his hand to help her up. Sarah didn't trust this guy but took his hand. She still couldn't see his face. The man handed her a black cloak. "Welcome to Organization 13" He said in a deep low voice. Sarah put on the cloak on. The man opened up a portal. Sarah wondered: "What lies for me here" Sarah and the man walked into the dark portal unseen. ______________________________________________________ Chapter 2 Sarah walked with the man through the hallways. Everything was white, white, white and more white. "They could change the colour a bit" Sarah thought. The man in the black cloak lead Sarah into a white room. They both walked inside. Inside were long, long chairs that go about 15 feet up in the air. Sarah noticed that there were other people with black cloaks all on each chair. The man in the black cloak flew to one of the chairs and sat down. The man in the black cloak took off his hood. "Welcome number zero" The man said in his deep voice. Sarah was suprised she could hear them from all the way here. "What is your name?" Asked the man agian. The man had long silver hair like a girl and yellow eyes that scared the crap out of her. Sarah cleared her throat. "My name is Sarah" She said hoping they could hear her. The room filled the air with whispers. Sarah was a bit pissed off they could of least tell her where she is or why she was here or what were their names. "Do you remember anything of your past?" The man asked Sarah. Before Sarah could say anything she froze. Her memory was blank, black as a sheet of paper. "No. I don't" Sarah said. Sarah froze there agian. Why couldn't she feel anything. Sarah put her hand up to where her heart is. She couldn't feel anything not a heart beat, not a sound, nothing. "Sarah your new name shall be Xara" The man said. Sarah was confused. Why the hell would they be giving her a new name? Couldn't of they use her real name. Sarah wanted to know why the hell is she here in the first place. "Why am I here? Who are you people? And why are you giving me a new name?" Sarah asked wanting to know more about these people. The room fell into silence but it didn't last for very long. "All of your questions will be answered soon. Number 3 will show you to your room where you will be living with us. Sarah didn't know who they are or why she was here but like the man said "All of your questions will be answered soon" Sarah just sighed. Everyone but Sarah disappeared. "Hey wait get back here" Sarah demanded. A man in a black cloak appeared infront of her. He took off his hood. He had long hair and blue eyes and looked like he didn't smile much. The man took me to my room. The door said "Number 0" The man in the black cloak disappeared. Sarah walked into her room. She was quite pissed off that her room was white. "The could at least changed the colour of my room" Sarah said. Sarah threw herself onto the bed. She was extremly tired. Sarah closed her eyes and went to sleep. ____________________________________________________ Chapter 3 "Xara, Xara, Xara wake up!" Sarah (or should I be saying Xara) woke up to find a man shaking her. Xara looked at him. "Who the hell are you" Xara said. "I'm Demyx number nine in the organization....and I'm also known as the Meldious Nocture and yeah I don't know what that means ether.....I told them they were sending the wrong guy" The man said nervously. Xara looked at him. "Your not very good at these things are you?" Demyx gave out a big sigh. "Yeah I'm horrible at introducing myself. I always get the words stuck in my throat" Xara patted Demyx on the back. "It's Ok" Xara said. Demyx gave Xara a smile. "Thanks. Oh I almost forgot the Superior wants to see you about a mission" Demyx said. Xara got out of bed. "Tell him I'll be ten minutes" Xara said. "One problem. You still don't know where anything is and you can teleport anywhere" Demyx said. Xara let out a sigh. "Stay outside my door until I come out and then you can take me to the superior" Xara said. Demyx nodded and walked out the door. Xara looked into the closet to see more black cloaks. "They could of least given me different colours" Xara thought. She put on one of the cloaks and headed straight for the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her hair was a mess it was like a lightning bolt came out of no where and zaped her. Xara got a brush and started to brush her long hazel hair. After that Xara headed out her bedroom door to see Demyx. "Ok lets go" Xara said. Demyx opened up a black portal and we both walked inside. It was the same room she was in before. The walls were white, the chairs were extremly tall and a symbol was underneath her. Xara looked up to see 8 people on a chair. Xara looked at Demyx. "What do I do?" Xara whispered to Demyx. "I don't know. Listen this isn't my meeting so I have to leave I'll promise I'll come back" Demyx whispered back. Xara just nodded as Demyx disappered into a dark portal. Xara looked up. She could only see 4 people with there hoods off. There was one with red spikey hair which looked like a red porcupine jumped onto his head. Another had blue-silver hair that covered over one side of his eye. "Emo" Xara thought. There was one with long yellow hair. At first Xara thought it was a girl but was acctualy a boy. there was another with yellow spikey hair, Which was a girl. "Thank lord there is a girl in the Org" Xara thought. "Xara we have brought you here today to give you your first mission" Said one of them. Xara had heard of that voice before. She remembered from the last time she went here. "You shall go with Marluxia, Axel, Zexion, Lexaeous, Vexen and Larxene to Castle Oblivion" Said the man again. "What! But shes just a 15 year old kid how the hell can she come with us" Snaped the one with yellow long hair. "Vexen silence" Said the man. Vexen sighed and silence himself. "You shall face a boy named Sora, and try to destroy him. But be warned he has many skills and many powers so just becareful" Said the man. "What the hell I don't even have a weapon and your telling me to kill some one I don't even know" Xara thought. "You will start training tommorrow. You will have a week to be ready for Caslte Oblivion. You will have different trainers everyday to test your skills and become stronger do you understand?" Asked the man. "Yes" Xara said hoping he could hear her voice. "The meeting is over and remeber you have a week to train" Said the man as everyone disappered. "How the hell do they do that?" Xara wondered as Demyx came into the room. "So what was the meeting about?" Demyx asked. "Well I only have one week to fight this guy named Sora, and I don't even have a weapon" Xara said. Demyx smiled. "Don't worry I help you train" Demyx said. Xara gave Demyx a little smile. "Thanks Demyx" Xara said. Demyx opened up a portal. "Come on lets start training" Demyx said. Xara smiled as Demyx walked into the portal. "The only thing i'm worring about is that how powerful is this guy" Xara said as she walked into the portal. ______________________________________________________
So whats going to be the fourth chapter?
Awww thats so sad Poor Phenox.
Wow all ready your really quick.
Maybe I should write a story and see how other people think. And if they don't like it I wont mind.
I'm not that good at writting.
Wow this is a really good chapter.