Good thank you. How are you =)
sorry. Listen I have to go now, Me and my dad are going to get some lunch so see ya.
are you alright?
=) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =)=) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =) =)
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=) =) =) =)
Thanks !!!!
Ok I've joined
umm...sure =) idea
So......what do you want to talk about?
Sweet! What is it about?
I'm fine thank you. How are you doing?
I think you might have heard of this before or you already know this theroy on Xion is....that I think she was created by Namine. I think Namine made Xion out of Sora's memories, and thats why she looks like Kairi. Namine made Xion because she wanted to know what Organization was planing, like if the organization was going to get Sora. Namine couldn't give Xion a heart because she couldn't create one, she could only rearrange memories in hearts. Namine didn't tell Xion who she is because the Organization would know about it and that they would either kill Xion or kick her out of the Org. And then Namine wouldn't know that the organization will do if they found out where Sora was.
Ok see ya =) you have a theroy on Xion???
Ok now I feel really, really, really sorry for you.