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  1. This_is_who_I_am
    Profile Post


    Profile Post by This_is_who_I_am for Vladimir Makarov, Dec 15, 2009
  2. This_is_who_I_am
  3. This_is_who_I_am
  4. This_is_who_I_am
    Profile Post

    Hey! Miss you too

    Hey! Miss you too
    Profile Post by This_is_who_I_am for Vladimir Makarov, Dec 15, 2009
  5. This_is_who_I_am
    OMG I NEED HELP!!! I'm on day 72 on kh 358/2 days and I just can't find the rest of the heartless. I've followed Pete and went into the cave of wonders, but when I defeted some heartless I noticed that I didn't have enough hearts. I've looked EVERYWHERE!!!! And still I couldn't find them, can you please help!!!! PLEASE!!!!
    Thread by: This_is_who_I_am, Nov 3, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  6. This_is_who_I_am
  7. This_is_who_I_am
  8. This_is_who_I_am
    I just made this thread for fun!!!! SO this is what you have to fill out:

    Species: (Human or Nobody)
    Handiness: (Right handed, left handed or both)
    Characters Past:

    Let me give you an example:

    Name: Kika
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Species: Human
    Handiness: Both

    Weapon: She doesn't use her weapons much. She usally fights without them, but her weapons are a very stong bow and arrow made by her own two hands. It never missed a shot and sometimes it goes for a mile.

    Element: Light/fire/speed/wind

    Apperence: She has long brown hair that goes up to her hips. She wears a white tank top under a short, jean jacket that is unzipped. Also the jacket's sleeves are very short. She has blue shorts on and wears white runners with a bit of blue on them.

    Likes: Reading, hanging out with her pet rat Tabi, drawing, shooting targets with her bow and arrow, fighting and watching the clouds

    Dis-likes: Jazie her enemy at school, science, her teacher Miss Levia, getting teased, rejected, called a girly girl and her Guadains cat named Rachel

    Personality: She is shy, rebelious, caring, sometimes she can go over the top with things (If there about her family), she never gives up, tries her best not to cry (about her parents), when she promises someone something she keeps it no matter what it takes

    Kika's past: She has been an orphan since she was five and her parents were murdered. Ever since then Kika has been living in a school-orphanage with her princible (Guradian) Miss Levia (who calls her girly girl for some reason). She has only been able to make one friend, who is a rat called Tabi. When she was ten everyone teased her and called her names just because she didn't want to give Jazie some of her chocolate (Btw Jazie is the top Popular Kid) and ever since then Jazie has been making Kika's life a living hell. Everyday Kika would sit in her room and cry, no one knows why she did...was it beause of everyone teasing her? Was it because she didn't have any friends? Or was it because Miss Levia kepted on calling her a girly girl? No one know's.....but sometimes she has nightmares about her parents death. Some people think it's because of her parents that made her so messed up? No one knows....but all Kika ever wanted was a friend..... until she met Sora.

    OMG SOO SAD!!!!!!!! Anyway here are the rules:

    1. No one copies anyones names, weapons, apperence etc
    2. Just have fun

    So there are the rules and enjoy!
    Thread by: This_is_who_I_am, Oct 1, 2009, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. This_is_who_I_am
    Name: Lynx

    Age: 16

    Gender: Female

    Weapon: She doesn’t need one

    Appearance: She wears a black cloak, she is also blind but her eyes are a grey-blue colour and she has short brown hair that goes up to her shoulders

    Accent/ catchphrase: She has an Australian accent and no catchphrase

    Element: Her element is a strange one. Since she is blind she cannot see, but she can feel the darkness of her opponent which can tell her when he/she is attacking, and can feel the darkness around her so she knows where she's going. She can also understand what heartless are saying, and she can shoot out some sort of Dark blue light out of her hands to attack her opponent.

    Nickname: The Blind Soul

    Personality: She is a very quiet girl and likes to be alone. She’s not afraid of
    anything but the sound of lighting and facing her past. She likes to sit down and play with her pet heartless Shex, and sleep all day. She has no friends but Shex and tries to make some, but is too scared.
    Post by: This_is_who_I_am, Sep 25, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. This_is_who_I_am
    If you could have any keyblade from KH2 what would it be?
    Thread by: This_is_who_I_am, Sep 16, 2009, 8 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. This_is_who_I_am
    Profile Post


    Profile Post by This_is_who_I_am for woodstockfootball26, Sep 9, 2009
  12. This_is_who_I_am
    Profile Post
    Profile Post by This_is_who_I_am for woodstockfootball26, Sep 8, 2009
  13. This_is_who_I_am
  14. This_is_who_I_am
  15. This_is_who_I_am
    Profile Post


    Profile Post by This_is_who_I_am for Vladimir Makarov, Aug 9, 2009
  16. This_is_who_I_am
  17. This_is_who_I_am
    Profile Post

    Ok see ya later.

    Ok see ya later.
    Profile Post by This_is_who_I_am for Vladimir Makarov, Aug 8, 2009
  18. This_is_who_I_am
  19. This_is_who_I_am
    Profile Post

    Ok thanks! :-)

    Ok thanks! :-)
    Profile Post by This_is_who_I_am for Vladimir Makarov, Aug 8, 2009
  20. This_is_who_I_am
    Profile Post


    Profile Post by This_is_who_I_am for Vladimir Makarov, Aug 8, 2009