I just played it at a friend. I will always have a place in my heart for KH1, and Com. KH2 is kind of iffy.
Best Harry Potter movie out there. Anybody that thinks different is a whinny girl that can't be pleased with anything. I loved the cock block, sexual references, and the whole scripit. The things that got changed only made the movie better by giving it a decent flow. You don't see that happening in HP5, or HP4(in some points, but I still liked it).
lol, just smash X, and triangle then you're set.
Really? Nah it is long when you spend 4 to 5 years on a single place. You're welcome
This is stupid.
Wow, congrats on reaching mod status in such a short time. I've run a few fourms before, and was apart of the staff on others, and I never seen...
So, how long have you been apart of this site? I'm a little to busy to actually read your profile, sorry if that seems kind of jerkish.
yeah. Thanks anyways.
Better then the other crap we had.
alright. So this place looks pretty nice.
Somthing about funny in the playground spam section. I got called a whore, and hurt my feelings. I'm only 11, and this is my first fourm.
Help i got flammed
The dude seems pretty boss.
help I got flammed help
Help help I got flammed.
I see what you did there.
Hello, I was wondering if it is fair to flame in the play ground? Because I have been flamed, and was wondering if I could do anything abotu it....
:( Can I put my posts on the right too? it looks really cool mang.
Yeah it was very sad, and left me looking forward to KH2. To bad that was a let down.
None, any video game made into a movie would just be stupid.