do you have the herps?
We gotta save this site guys! we can't let Spdude down.
Hot, sweaty
Books by far.
nah just ****ing around with you.
They are a pretty sweet band. They show you don't have to be hardcore to kickass. I'm pretty much in love with the bass. So anyother fans out there?
That's the only one that honestly matters to the plot out of the 3. I honestly felt next to 1, and 2, 6 was the only one that wasn't rushed. But I suppose that varies on the viewer. I'll admit the ending was weak, but it got the job done(setting up for 7).
yeah brah .
yeah... is it for me?
i have a crush on him.
screw that we want vids.
we are saving the great KHV
It's cool brah, and don't worry I don't care about rep.
Ah the 12 explains things.
I'm athist. Joke much? Real reaction: I would just make sure it's not some stage/attempt to be unique, and if it's real just accept it. I'm for letting people have choice in their life.
sick. long live khv
18 kikikik
It's cool, God beat Jesus all the time.
Do you live in Texas or are you under the age of 15?
I'd beat the crap out of him, and tell him God hates him.