34 176 What easter egg? <_<>_>;
28 (nearly 300!!!) 270
25 269 Headbanging...hurts...kinda...*Unconcious*
23 268 Woot!
21 267 Never ever
A back garden on your head
'Cause rock rocks
Which one do you prefer? Also give a reason why you prefer one over the other (if you can).
****ing Onscreen Keyboard! Grah!!!!!
'Tis okay, I was only stating my opinion.
So do I... @ Vgn: We have different tastes in music, can't we not just get along? I mean, it doesn't hurt anybody.
I used to like rap then I got bored. I can't stand rap now, it's just pointless. The rappers don't even sing, they speak. The actual songs are sound effects from a drag&drop computer program. Soujia boy is a FAD. Bruce DÃckinson(Iron Maiden's lead singer) can outsing many opera singers. Rock sounds GREAT live. Rock is rebellious. There is so many sub-genres of rock, you can't just say "I hate rock". Alot of rock bands are older than most users on this site. Many songs evoke the emotions of the listener. So yeah, I can argue with that statement. UP THE IRONS
Rap...*Shudder* I still need my blazer, tie, PE kit and shoes.
Banned for reading this post
Banned for not knowing that I used to be a very active member here.
Banned for joining KH-Vids.
Banned for being confused.
Banned for exceeding his photobucket bandwith.
Banned for assuming rabbits have the brain power to think about life in such a bad way that they can become emo.