Kupo*Creates a new drug, more addicting than crack*Sniff up, Kupo?
*Revives planet*
*Ish still in the secret room* Err...I know now!Kupopo, Kupopo!
*Bursts into secret room*Kupo?
But I never said they didn't.
Oh yes I did XD
MY MINDok? I was only demonstrating how it will all go down.
America has launched all its WMD's but without millatary satalites to guide them...
Isreal just gassed out Turkey. No they are actually countries in their own right.
There goes Canada, and 103 satalites. Germany is now moving north to poland, eek.
Itally has just invaded vatican.
All of eastern europe's power is out Korea has began planning slave camps. Germany has invaded luxembourg.
Washington DC. nothing from the president so we can only assume