OH... ok. Thanks anyway.
Can these be ported please Herc: 11C841AC 0000XXXX Meg: 11C84480 0000XXXX Phil: 11C84034 0000XXXX Peg: 11C84754 0000XXXX Save Point: (May effect hp for some reason..) 11C8205C 0000XXXX
Hey I found these cool code on youtube for final mix, can someone port them: Darkness 21D44368 3FCDFFFF 21D4436C 00000000 Light 21D44368 3FCEFFFF 21D4436C 00000000
Yes I am back!!! LOL!!!
Thanks!!!! Your the best!!!
Hey been a long time!!! Anyone got 60HP code please?
Did enter the game ID 09C9. And are you useing the codejuckie master code. That is (M) 38AU-05A9-91WMV 9ZCM-08JU-UKV6W
Hey ollie2, long time no see. See you liked my video. Do you have a battle request. And Can someone give me all the boss ally codes. Sorry KHRiku cannot help you there wait till someone who knows it is online.
Get the CO code and jocker it after the cutscene before the 1000 heartsless battle.
Here to help.
Dude, download this http://www.kh-vids.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=889&d=1183301857 (max coverter) Then open this http://www.kh-vids.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=1502&d=1204637174 Open the max coverter after unzipping it and change the regen to PAL and in game ID enter 09C9 Change output code to AR max, keep RAW in input code. Enter the RAW code into first box. Hit convert. Works every time. :)
sephirothruler do you what to know how to get them yourself so you don't have to keep asking.
When did this get unlocked???
Wecome... please read the rules and have a good time.
Thanks and what do you use to port cous it try useing the delta maker but it never works.
OHHHHHHHH, ok thanks, can you give me the digets for the proper joker code please.
Did you swich room well holding R2
KK I will keep working on it.
Whats up with it and ollie2 could you have a go.