Can you put everything you want in the code here
He said you would say that
It is cool thought the warrior code ^_^
lol, you never saw that coming, it was my brother who told me to put that XD.
Until then, anyone need help!!!
I just really like Vincent XD, would you peffer a girl who likes females.
XD, why does it suprise people?
Anymore codes need testing
Nice on, thanks, one note, dont drive in the air or he gets stuck, but i've already said that
Ok, i drive into DW roxas but if done in mid air me get stuck until hit to the floor. Can someone do me a favour, can someone point me to an PAL save of KH2 i can download orcan someone give me theres to download, i lossed my save and i'm only diserny castle, the trone bit
There's am code to make the battle level go up but i'm not sure about stats booster code... here is the battle level code: Battle LVL Deadly AR Max: 4C8V-WFXB-H2X9D U9QR-ZVZP-0A047 RAW: 2034138C 001FFFFF I will look for the boss stats modifer
Ones that can flout, e.g Prison Keeper and The Hostile Program (Boss!). These ones dont touch the floor and will not have an probelm. Mind my spelling.
Not much going on here, any new codes need testing?
Its ok, your doing ok, better then me lol. And i just had an idea. We made an Roxas can perform Sora's Reaction Commands code but we have not made an Sora can perform Roxas and his own Reaction Commands
Right, lets not start an fight here, the code works lets leave it at that
ooooooo, testy
Thx Slip, your getting there lol Roxas can you help with those codes plz.
Thx Slip, any new on the other codes i put up: Herc: 11C841AC 0000XXXX Meg: 11C84480 0000XXXX Phil: 11C84034 0000XXXX Peg: 11C84754 0000XXXX Save Point: (May effect hp for some reason..) 11C8205C 0000XXXX Have they been ported??? (NTSC to PAL)