yep, noone thought i was female,
thx ^_^ .......
making up for the time i was not on lol
Kewl, cant wait for the new codes ^_^
Kewl, nice one
England, u?
Hi, whats ups? You ok this fine evening
Cant wait, i'll be first in line to test ^_^ Morning, any new code or anyone need help
Thank you ^_^, cant wait till more codes come out, i am loving these custom form ones and cant wait to see the next one ^_^
lol, nice work ^_^, is that code on the other page that KH_Player ported???
You have an point, they said the riku code would not be possible and look what happen then, BTW is there an play as kh1 sora code?
I think i know why we cant do that, lol, kh1 sora is smaller and needs less bones to make him move where as kh2 sora is bigger, which make no sence because he sould get smaller after beening asleep for 1 year lol
Code idea: - ok, kidda pointless code but the command menu has different looks in each world, could we make it so the command menus is something different in each world (e.g Twilight Town command menu look in TWTNW
These drive code make it so when you drive you drive onto something different, so for example, you could have the suit of final form but the moves of valor and etc. And you dont have to ask if you can use them couse you can, as long as you dont say you made them and what do you mean but descipt
Worked!!!!!!!, They all worked :) One issue, freezes when hit revert
Do they all work??? Ok, testing now
I know, how can you not like games
Ok thanks, until any need any help, I tring to use this porting program so i will port if needed... ok first port attempt... i'm sure we dont have these codes: Light Mod (Press R1) E002F7FF 0035BA5C 21D58A68 3FCEFFFF 21D58A6C 00000000 6PV6-J05C-9U10D 8ZC9-1PMC-19385 CXHB-TMX6-3N7N7 BZ5T-TJ2U-R5BKV Darkness Mod (Press R2) E002FDFF 0035BA5C 21D58A68 3FCDFFFF 21D58A6C 00000000 7201-RY0Y-GZTY6 B5ZH-XK7H-13Y3D 3Z6Z-YVWA-W292F BZ5T-TJ2U-R5BKV I'm testing them now Update; OK, having trouble booting up my Action Replay, will keep trying however Update: Ok, this code was an fail
Morning Slip, any new codes i can test for you today
He is not on this site, i dont thing he like game an way