Hey, how are you, I feeling cr*ppy, broke my arm and have to type with one hand :(, what have you been up to?
Hey Slip, ummmmm theres bad news, i've broke my arm last night (slipped and hit it on an sharp edge) so i cant or if your ok with a little slower...
Hereare all the ones you ported a few pages back, but these are the ones that work, one didnt Angelic Form (Drive into Wisdom Form to activate) - created by ♥♦♣♠Luxord♥♦♣♠ 8VK2-ZG6G-5Y87Q 9H9K-NW5J-WT3MG DR6P-BBPU-MDU4E HDM9-V8XC-D7C9F 9ZX2-A6VK-JRP28 B196-5E4Y-B8QQR WMJZ-AVWV-RD9WB M110-64KP-GK2BN 9EGX-KXD7-VUBHK U8H0-NHTG-X598M BYB9-2UW0-TR3Q0 G1AA-49QE-U954Q K7P9-ZJ23-51P1C JGFT-EHRK-BRXWA G39B-6JB2-FF7QZ Champ Form (Drive into Master Form to activate) - created by roxasrikusora NJ87-J65V-5A6DF 9GFV-N8TP-24YQ2 H0HT-B78V-09GZF 13HU-HGGR-NXM0B 3VQW-1NY9-FCQKJ RXM1-5GCD-W2ABJ F8VK-0PZF-MH6KK WMJZ-AVWV-RD9WB Hero mode (Drive into Valor Form to activate) - created by roxasrikusora 8N4H-E80Y-0GHRV W3MP-PEKX-TQZHP H0HT-B78V-09GZF 9GFV-N8TP-24YQ2 13HU-HGGR-NXM0B 7T2F-5R7W-VNCFR 1X0R-882K-YNGYK Power Form (Drive into Final Form to activate) - created by xemnas551 JCVH-RWDJ-7K6AR TX04-UM65-85D5W 2AHN-G4W1-UVCGV 9W4E-75Z4-7H09N KP3E-AEHG-3KZ31 QGKC-ZQZN-K3NW0 55YY-E47C-7G0AU 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 Raider Mode (Drive into Final Form to activate) - created by roxasrikusora CKN6-4DAM-EG1G6 MD44-VMUZ-KB2DW EVUE-BV01-UBBX6 4GP9-9AJF-YC01A WMJZ-AVWV-RD9WB 9GFV-N8TP-24YQ2 H0HT-B78V-09GZF 13HU-HGGR-NXM0B Striker Mode (Drive into Master Form to activate) - created by roxasrikusora PHBM-6BT8-G8NZT YPTG-36ET-52W9N 809Z-2K4P-DY3W5 WMJZ-AVWV-RD9WB H0HT-B78V-09GZF 9GFV-N8TP-24YQ2 13HU-HGGR-NXM0B Survival Form (Drive into Valor Form to activate) - created by roxasrikusora F1HW-6Z3B-HV843 W3MP-PEKX-TQZHP 9GFV-N8TP-24YQ2 H0HT-B78V-09GZF 13HU-HGGR-NXM0B 1NDM-VH80-P3NXQ Not much going on here, anyone need help?
what ones?
lol, you have an nice time with your friends, and you not holding me back from an social life, your an nice person to talk to
Nice one cant wait to give it an shot
its ok ^_^ Cant wait, after this code test i'm going out of the night so this is the only one i can do 2night, ok?
lol, dont say it like that, makes me feel like you boss, i dont like bossing anyone around
work for me but i had other codes on, that might have been it
not i'm not, pm me the code and i will test it for you \^_^
thats nice of you ^_^, think of how long the creds will be on that video
kk, poor you, you have an new code and everyone rushes to test it
kk, testing now They all work and did what they were meant to, howver, there is no way to tell Extremely Low Chance of Going Into Anti-Form is doing it correctly because it is rare you get anti-form away way
Hi, any codes need testing
hate rain but i got lucky with weather, and i went to the buzies part of town lol, Do you still need an tester for you code? and nice deal on...
Hi, back from town, made £25 and got spyro DOTD, meaning my spyro collions is complete, what do you need?
I dont think there is one for all world, i think there is one for some but i dont know
Slip told me that they cant be ported but had to be re hacked to PAL, you might have to PM an hacker
Me is alright
I knew it would not, they never work, oh well