06DA - I think its a train door from TT 06DB - Nothing 06DC - Floating Upside Down Hunny Pot 06DD - KH1 Sora (T-Stance) 06DE - Timeless River Gun Tower 06DF - The holding platform in timeless river (has ropes on the end and sorta swings...that thing) Sorry about not knowing the names of these things ><; And you can stand on the platform as it moves around :p
06BF - The berserkers weapon (Reaction command can be used) 06CA - Crystal (From the crystal fissure in radiant garden) 06CB - Xemnas (First Battle No hood T-Stance) 06CC - Empty Treasure Chest (the Chest with the Cursed Coins from POTC) It will freeze after a certain time 06CD - Something from tron (i dunno what it is) (Dummy) 06CE - Sora Holding Pooh With a hunny pot on his head (Can't move and can only do one reaction command which makes him fall)
um i dont know if anyone found this one yet but i think i found ANOTHER pete code I couldnt find this one on the new digits one 600-900 that was posted earlier but yeah Pete (Boss:Undefeatable) - 06BB I was in radiant garden when testing this one EDIT: 06ad - freeze 06bd - One of those gun towers from timeless river (dummy) 06bc - Pete (boss) (can be defeated)
What?? That globe's only for americans!!! Sora's not american, HE'S NOT EVEN WEARING A FLAG ON HIS HEAD yeah im done now ^^
Simpsons Did it Simpsons Did it
Gir is a guy...robot thing >.> (girls gone wild...gir's gone wild...) >.>, <.<, >.> ^_^ shmeee
04AB - Timon (dummy) 04FF - Freeze 04FA - Freeze 04A5 - Freeze 049B - Barrel (dummy) More useless codes from me >< I think thats enough from me for now xD;;
I FOUND RAFIKI xDDDDDDD O4AF Edit: ha yeah i found open treasure chests too xp
i think im good at finding useless ones xD T-stanced Prince Guy From the Little Mermaid = 04BA
I have a better one for you Sora + Rabbit + Pumba V.S. Sephy xDD Pumba = 04AC
In case anyone cared 042B is rabbit from winnie the pooh xDDD (not t-stance)
Yah, thats what she said .......wait a minute......
Rape dollaaaars
Ya rly O.o Edit: Beaten to it xD CURSES FOILED AGAIN
that picture has warped my fragile little mind o.o...or whats left of it anyway ^___^
i wonder if anyone got what i was going for in this 2 minute job xD
Yeah I'm an idiot xD
0889 - Pumpkin jackbox (Dummy) 089A - The nobody you kill to destroy the reactors in the Xemnas fight Its funny because when you kill the nobody it flies away just like in the fight xD