Hopes for Hikari E Opening
Yeah thats what she said! ....wait
22) Sora prefered boobless kairi
Good Job You killed Jesus and a baby I hope you can live with the guilt!
And here i thought the kept him around because they needed more women *crowd goes OOOOOOH* .....<.<
Spoil the game for yourself with the new product interwebs Everything you never needed (or wanted) to see But I thought it was a fitting end....i guess
The power of friendship?
16) Having an X in your name lets you sit at the cool kid's table
true but its always fun to theorize right? I'm most likely wrong like usual xD
12) Xemnas likes zebras
Maybe they want you to use the mic and scream "SUBMIT" to your enemies to make them die You can be your own game's VA xD
But does it imply that they knew they could become whole again with kingdom hearts? seems more like they were stll just looking to study them from what you said
I think that was in one of Ansem's secret reports
Whichever comes out first If they come out at the same time then... Whichever costs less...... If they cost the same... I'll distract the salespeople with promises of candy and chocolate milk and run away with both of them giggling like a school girl ...wait what...
Maybe the 14th member became whole again in COM i don't seem to remember them trying or discussing becoming whole again (if they did talk about that in COM ignore this post) And so maybe she was the first one to do it, and they wanted to follow her lead Their original goal might have been something completely different then finding their hearts
Maybe their camera's exploded from pure awesome-ness when they tried to get some pics
But catz like to be in mah fridge eatin mah foodz
This game just looks even more awesome each day xD
That doesn't sound like a 100% no if you ask me :p
I was just referring to the current times To be honest, ps3 doesn't interest me at the moment