Needless to say this game looks pretty good Trailer I found on youtube --> im trying to figure out how the gameplay is It looks turn based but with Action battles @_@ I needs a 360 so people don't spoil more things for me like my friend did with halo 3 ><
SORA SED IT? OMFGNUBCAKESLOLOLROFLCOPTER I GOTTA BELIEVE NOW IT MUST BE TRUE !)(WJSNUOZ*(DGEV#@B And no we are naming her UOM Unknown organization member Because we have to go with the trend of using 3 abbreviated letters xD
Well I don't believe that Organization XIII ever referred themselves with the number They've only just said the "Organization" I BELIEVE THATS WHAT THEY SAID ANYWAY Maybe the 14th member was the guy who got turned into a heartless at the start of Traverse Town In the 2nd district xDDDDDDDDDDD that would be priceless
You never know xD Maybe it went like this 14: Oh its great to be whole and not a heartless or a nobody *heartless pimp smack* 14: oh noez i lose 2 seconds later 14th: dooodeedooo doo Hay wutz that big castle lolol and how come i gots no emotions Xemnas: Yo, wanna join are club, we had no girls allowed but as you can see we let marluxia and larxene in 14: wutz in it for me? Xemnas: well you get a cool black coat and an X in your name...pluss free dental 14: That.....sounds....AWESOME *high five*
I'm sorry that you're sick >< but yeah, i don't remember many things about fm+ I watched the videos maybe 2 times and yeah :p I wonder if we will need to play BBS in order to get this though I know that they will be talking more about Aqua in that game What if the 14th member is just some person who happened to become a nobody by pure coincidence
Awesome ^^ I'm listening to Waka Laka xD
In Kh2 he said "The Other's before you were better" or something like that If he said something differnt in FM+ then i dunno but i never remember him saying a certain time in kh2
I believe its the only one with a keychain too
but how far in the past i exactly the "distant past" could have been.....maybe 5 years ago How long ago was it when Ansem the wise found terra/Xehanort? It might have been around that time
*plays dramatic background music*
25) Sora seems to enjoy someone who threw their balls at his face on a daily basis back on Destiny Island
I'm not trying to make a team xD I just asked why being a teen with attitude qualified someone to be a power ranger xD
Are the tacos......good?
Kh1: Pissed i didn't get anything from all that work -.- KH2: Gimme that Fenrir Charles!!!!!
I didnt intend for anyone to actually fill out the application xDDD but hey whatever I said race because of the first power ranger team :p (im sure you knew that though)
I think this started the war
Go in their Fake Gunz A Not Blazin They will never expect that! O-o
Is this the part where you turn to a life of crime to steal a 360 and play with everyone else? If so............Awesome
Name: Age (must be between 13-19): Race: Do you have attitude y/n If answered correctly you too can become a power ranger Tell me why being a teen with attitude qualified you to be a power ranger xD