well i know it will most likely be something like that My comment was more of a...."If they did" comment I still wonder what Snake's Final Smash will be I wonder if there will be a Nude Raiden Assist Trophy xDDDDDDDD
I got a DS for christmas the year it came out and I bought a psp later on because i heard you can play roms and such on it >.>...... Yay Seiken Densetsu 3 xD
...Yuffie's a ninja... wait nevermind thats not helping my case at all...
That is all
WOAH WOAH CALM DOWN WHATS WITH THAT OUTBURST I MEAN you were all "It's Ven" Control that temper! ...>.> anyway back ontopic:...Agree'd with Titanguy
Ninja Gaiden did it xD
I doubt it too but i'd be lying if i said i wouldn't buy it if it were to happen And whats wrong with the wii xD?
I knew owning both a DS and PSP would pay off someday Jubilations!!! xD
Mediocre? Could you elaborate a bit please? Id like to know its flaws from your perspective
Still waiting for my completely action Rpg pokemon game xD this is the closest im gunna get i suppose ( i dont count pokemon ranger O.o) that and the pokemon trainer in SSBB xD
In pokemon sense a trio attack wouldnt work BUT its most likely what it is In reality....pokemon reality anyway they would just cancel each other out xD
Maybe they'll make it to 2d xD j/k (Hey Akino ^^) I mean like...better graphics...next gen looking org members I'd buy a ps3 for that (unless it came out on the wii then i wouldnt need to spend more money :p)
Wow, just wow So speaking your mind is against the law now? I guess having an opinion makes you a terrorist now...
Yeah i know its far from even just having this game but do you think it'll get a console remake? xD
Yeah......thats what she said..................about...you..?
Thanks for the Upload Xaldin Man even though the graphics for 358/2 don't look nearly as good as BBS The sheer fact that you can play as Org XIII/XIV is what the definition of awesome should be
So that means aqua was telling sora to come down for dinner before he left >.> I'd find it kinda stupid if she was his mother Mainly because she was so un-important in the first one And bam she's imporant again? Edit: but what willi said does make sense if she were to be his mother
I like cereal
I know my gut tells me....maybe
okay good night