Cool, thanks for the pics but yeah I think the one's with Squall/Leon are from dissidia like others have been saying oh look more feminine everytime I see you
the easter bunny's twin brother Darrell is cooler than both of them
well thats good news to hear xD most of my fears are gone :p
What the hell Knuckles being kidnapped??????? come on xD He better go down fighting...i mean he does have a beat the crap out of anything that moves lifestyle anywaaaay about the game I have mixed feelings about this, I just can't see sonic meshing well with rpg
I got one around the time it first came out been needing something other than Jump ultimate stars to play xD
It will constantly come out a day after the world ends .......or novemer / december 2008.....whatever month chain of memories came out xD
Demyx I'd make the water tap dance...............awesome @_@
Yet another series turned into a tcg.... As much as I like Kh...I think i'll pass xD
When the hell O.o? Im sure they never covered why kairi had a keyblade and what type it was And correct me if I'm wrong but isnt Sora the Light one and kairi......none?
most awesome 2 seconds ever
Peach: Final smash <Peach Blossom> Somehow, Princess Peach always seems go at her own pace. Her Final Smash will lure you into her world. She’s got the Smash Ball and she’s ready! Wh-what is this? This screen frame?! Peach dances. Mario suddenly gets sleepy At the end, a plethora of peaches! The closer you are to Peach, the deeper you sleep. And all around you is a mountain of peaches that replenish your health when you eat them Are you just going to eat peaches?! (I hate these captions xDDDDDDDDDD) Or are you going to launch your foes?! The flowers bloom. The peaches pour down. Yes. It’s so elegant.
but dem unicorns dun beat me up and stole mah moniez
Dante can use an enemy to ground surf I think thats enough for him to win a fight before it even started xD
Snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake His mullet could take sam fisher xD
Godot ftw
That ******* that shows up in my mirror I swear he's following me........
I thought it was funny how roxas seemed to acted SOOO surprised when Sora did his little keyblade come back to me technique then i thought wait...why can keyblades cut so well...? Specially the Kingdom Key
Namco Tales Studio: Tales of Symphonia/Eternia (Can't decide) Square Enix: Seiken Densetsu 3 Nintendo: Legend of Zelda SCEI: Shadow of the Colossus
The latter
Maybe there is a difference between Being a chosen keyblade master, and just having one