good leave it that way
Oh cool, friend ??????
hey im bout to go watch the Dark Knight with my crazy brother cya Terra thanx for savin me from M. Eraquis
you mean it being for tha WII..................... got dang this sucks
i just checked out that new post its an outrage they say it might not happen due to lack of graphics
No this is wrong it should be 4 PS3 cuz i sold my wii last year for 250 dollars grrrrrrr this better be a lie
Tha names Venixas but you can call me Ven, so wats up
ohhhhhhh lol you check out tha new thread
lol i thought you left still logged in, dissappered on us
im tryna figure out wat your talkin about you said "when"
well i found em new thread 2 4 tha group
when did i start the thread?
where did terra go
Saaaaaaay terra where'd you go
started a new thread on the group
you Terra u doin anything
Me 3 well i waz til my mom came in
guys wats up with that possibly for the wii ??????????? dom dom doooooooooooooooommmmmmm
oh its cool
Not much you