thanks imma major fan
oh, why its not you ????
Yea man long time no tlk i joind a group called rapprs corner
AY yo nas yur good dawg lets see......i wanna battle Yo i see this kids future, still battlin kids on kh on the computer, yo i saw ya pick so i hope you understand it, the fact you look like something off animal planet, or the nerdy type playin battlestar galactica, oh, and when im thru ill ship ur ass back to africa, kuta kente, ill make a statment my perspective is perpetual, now i cant help but think all your girls ar transsexual, imma step in to dis and bring a new order, ill take it on step at a time bfore i run Rappers Corner you got game but respect wont rise from repeatedly sayn sh**, and sh** gets more respect than you and it sits ina toilet,yo and wats dis sh** about yur sqaud, it proly consist of a geek, someone gay and yur mom, ill take bruises when you come bac i knw the cost of it, but u shudnt say sqaut cuz ya lips look like sausages, you took on a white boy whoopie theres a challenger, ill whoop you five days into da future prepare yur calendar, yo im finished yuve got a taste of the menace, i wrote ya ass off in what all of five minutes. ay yo nothn personal i hardly knw you bt you got rhymes for real dueces
Hey can i be King Mickey in your group ????
Hey can i b King Mickey ????
hey terra wats up
im a new comer spittin lookin for friends, ive been in dis game for a while so into the wind, i go, spittin fast its too bad that youre slow i blow this flow like when you blow ya nose so get in the ring quick stay on your toes, youll never knw when someone is waitn to come and snatch your soul, i go by lil Rabbit cuz thats who i look up to but im black not white so the name shud fit too, right, well f it i guess im special you cats ar dealin wit a monster cuz my fires meltin the metal, of the mic, ill spit til the end, im jus a newcomer spittn lookn for friends....
ive been awsome wat about u hope i hvent already responded
Hey no sweat terra lol its all good man
yea thats tru and good im pretty cool myself:)
im cool u sorry i took so long to respond
loooooooooong time no talk huh aqua:)
yea i might eat sum waffles yummmmmmmm
Aqua wats happning
Terra??? ....... wats up
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh nufn thinkin about eatn cookies ............... if i had sum
Hey wats up Ven
Yea i get cha write rap but mines r understandable( if thats a word) i like rock pop J-pop RnB
tell me bout it i hate alot of rap xcept EMINEM, Drakes ok and TI a little