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  1. Venixas25
    what happnd to your "pictures"
    Profile Post by Venixas25 for syedsajid, May 19, 2011
  2. Venixas25
  3. Venixas25
    The quickest to finish the menace lyrical genius, ive cut off cats but ill make this one of the deepest, so king Mickey you can join in and save the tommorow, let these ******s say you suck but these bit**** know that they swallow, so take a seat next t Nas and Rabbit the second, school ended at 3 but some still need the lessons, we mad killas, these funny lookn gorillas, chunky dudes thinkin they got proof that they win the battles really dude ? yall aint squat the bottom line of the contract sign it and move on in life or expect physical contact, they are a few legs short like a wombat the crowd sreamin finish it its Mortal Kombat, freeze over twenty degrees celcius,the game and i ar fated like E.T and Elliot, spittn so delicate, im hot like a hotdog relish wit, a lil bit of ketchup and the cheese is melted bit**
    so the game dont run out of copies as long as im sellin it, you get the point im B-Rabbit da 2nd Naz backin me up on the mic we cud uze a King Mickey ya lyrics pay off long as you up da price

    B-Rabbit/Spidey is back and Back to stay
    Post by: Venixas25, May 18, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  4. Venixas25
  5. Venixas25
    Profile Post

    not much you ?

    not much you ?
    Profile Post by Venixas25 for Roxas&Sora4E, May 11, 2011
  6. Venixas25
  7. Venixas25
    nope bout to to do it now
    Profile Post by Venixas25 for nasirrich, Apr 30, 2011
  8. Venixas25
  9. Venixas25
  10. Venixas25
  11. Venixas25
  12. Venixas25
  13. Venixas25
  14. Venixas25
  15. Venixas25
  16. Venixas25
  17. Venixas25
  18. Venixas25
  19. Venixas25
  20. Venixas25
    yo i feel you Nas

    Look, im not sure but my ish is classic, ya trash is tragic, they call me silly rabbit but do you know wat happns, they see me go rabid, im burnin up no ashes, The Rabbits out to get cha, so start runnin, dashes, im sick of hearin dumb stuff Nas will kill you ina flash, you bettr run ya water dude runs bloodbaths, hes no joke he spits evrything wit truth, and when hes pissed prepare to get dissed til ya face is blue, so post wateva you want and watch him take you out in one verse, We both in the lambo the rearveiw reminds us whos in first, that wud be Nas and B-Rabbit the second, yea Eminem used the name but guess whos been resurrected, ready to lay out some bodies, no i aint evil like that but i am killin for the hobby, lol sike to you slow poke meat heads, see after i picked up a pen against my classmate he fled, my wind is strong a tornado in sight, Nas is like a fu**n hurricane the tide is up surfs up major rain tonight, so grab ya jackets we headed to the city and wiping evrything in the road,fu** these spazn idiots can i blow, ok im sicker than most, quicker when close to falln off my game big to overdose, on lyrics overdoser ride me on how you think i rap its like a rollercoaster, i aint goin ssay no homo we knw im far from it, these cats try to dis us Nas but deep down dey love it so imma get paper and forget you clowns, matta of fact take off ya glasses and look at me NOW

    Killa Rabbit and Nas
    Rabbit back to da trail
    Post by: Venixas25, Apr 28, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)