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  1. MetroidMewtwo
    Hey, does anybody have the Universal Weapon digits for the Normal and Halloween Town models of Donald's Nobody Lance? I'm trying to make Weapon modding codes to replace Edge of Ultima's models(all four of them) with the Nobody Lance's, but the Universal Weapon Digits list on the first page only has digits for the Space Paranoids and Timeless River Models of it.

    Edit: Dammit, nevermind this question... I tried making use of a code to replace the Detection Saber's TR Model with the Nobody Lance's TR Model, but just like when I tried replacing the Kingdom Key or Battlefields of War with the Lunatic/Saix's Claymore, it froze on me.

    And I don't feel like Moveset modding to try that one method someone mentioned(of giving Sora Mulan's moveset and replacing her Sword with the Lunatic) mostly because I wanted Sora to keep his own moveset, so... Yeah.

    What especially angers me is the fact that the "Replace Detection Saber with Fenrir" code worked without a hitch, yet the game apparently hates on me if I try to replace one weapon with a completely different one.
    Post by: MetroidMewtwo, Jun 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  2. MetroidMewtwo
    Except having Auron in my party legitimately SUCKS. I have a cheat device, and I've seen videos of people having Auron and Riku in place of Donald and Goofy in, like, Port Royal. How did they get Auron perfectly fine(albeit he and Riku had Donald and Goofy's Voices), and I can't have Auron replace Donald without getting a BSOD?

    Anyway, I already listed the codes a page or two back, but alright, I'll go ahead and copy-paste them(as with the last time, I'm listing raw format first, then ARMAX format after running them through MAXConvert).

    R1 replaces Donald with Auron
    E001F7FF 0035B55C
    11CFA3FE 00000065


    L1 replaces Auron with Donald
    E001FBFF 0035B55C
    11CFA3FE 0000005C

    Post by: MetroidMewtwo, Jun 19, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  3. MetroidMewtwo
    *sighs*Somehow, I got the codes I put together messed up.

    The Joker Code to replace Donald with Auron, I originally Jokered to R1, but whenever I hold R1 down and change areas, nothing happens; I entered the Disney Castle with both R1 and R2 held down for Auron and Axel, yet only Axel showed up. Conversely, any time I changed areas holding down L1 and L2, I got a BSOD. I tried taking off the Replace Battlefields of War with Lunatic code(since I got a BSOD when I tried replacing the Kingdom Key with it) and held down L1 and L2, but Auron STILL didn't show up, and I got yet another BSOD when I went changed areas holding down R1 and R2 when I didn't get a BSOD from doing so last time.

    What in the Flash-Frozen Hell's wrong with those two Auron Joker Codes I put together?!
    Post by: MetroidMewtwo, Jun 19, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  4. MetroidMewtwo
    Thank you for the Wisdom Form=Anti-Form code, Razor234. It's working great, though the only major problem I have is that Anti-Form freezes and defaults into that T-Stance if I ever hit Square while moving(I'm guessing it's because doing so makes Anti-Form attempt to perform Quick Run, but causes it to freeze because it can't/isn't supposed to use that Ability). And on a funny note, I failed the Pegasus Run Reaction Command on the Hydra because I used Anti-Form; The game actually didn't pretend Anti-Form had an invisible Keyblade in his hand, so despite getting every attack right during the Pegasus Run, I did absolutely no damage whatsoever.*laughs*

    But anyway... After remembering how awesome I found Auron to be after I finally ran through the Olympus Coliseum/Underworld(I spent several hours getting 100% on the first three Gummi routes and maxing out every form except Final. Mostly the Gummi routes, though, heh...), I decided to make a Joker Code to replace Donald with him, and then another to replace Auron with Donald(just in case). In addition, since I never replaced the Kingdom Key with the Lunatic(Saix's Claymore), I decided to replace Auron's sword with it, instead. All these codes that I put together, they would all be correct, right(both raw format and ARMAX format)?

    R1 replaces Donald with Auron
    E001F7FF 0035B55C
    11CFA3FE 00000065


    L1 replaces Auron with Donald
    E001FBFF 0035B55C
    11CFA3FE 0000005C


    Replace Battlefields of War with Lunatic
    11CEF76C 00000842


    I'm sorry if what I just asked annoys anyone. I guess it's just that, I'm completely new to putting together codes of one format and then converting it entirely(the few times I converted codes before the past few days all went horribly. Especially this one code I tried for Soul Nomad...), and I just want to make absolutely sure I didn't or don't mess any part of any code up at all.
    Post by: MetroidMewtwo, Jun 19, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  5. MetroidMewtwo
    ... Oh. That indeed sucks. But, as I said, I've been desiring this code for years now; To know it really exists make my wanting feel worth it, especially if that DMA restriction can be removed. So I should be able to wait until then.
    Post by: MetroidMewtwo, Jun 18, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  6. MetroidMewtwo
    Oh. I either don't know, or forget(probably the former), what DMA means, but regardless, if someone's working on making the code usable, then alright; I've been desiring this code for years, I ought to be able to hold on for a while longer.
    Post by: MetroidMewtwo, Jun 18, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  7. MetroidMewtwo
    ... Um... I don't mean to be rude, but... When are you going to at least tell me what site I have to look for to find the Flight Code I'm looking for, if not post it here?
    Post by: MetroidMewtwo, Jun 18, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  8. MetroidMewtwo
    Really?!? That code's already been made!? Please post it here, then, or at least tell me where I could find it! And thank you very much!
    Post by: MetroidMewtwo, Jun 18, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  9. MetroidMewtwo
    ... Um... KH2. Mission 2 of Stardust Sweep. One of the first two Gummi Ship routes available in the game.

    EDIT: *sighs*nevermind... I finally found this Gold Cyclops. Not only was he where I thought he was in the mission(the same spot there's a red Cyclops in mission 1, right before the camera view switches to the right for the last time), but it seems I had to ignore a lot of enemies that spawn after the Hunter's dead before the Cyclops itself spawned. That or I had to kill almost all the other Cyclops' in the stage up to that point, I don't know.
    Post by: MetroidMewtwo, Jun 18, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  10. MetroidMewtwo
    Does anybody know the exact possibility of a code that enables Sora to fly around like he can in Neverland? This one single code is the only KH1 code I'll ever ask for, I've been wanting it so desperately it'd hurt.

    If it's possible for that code to even exist and work fine(and be an ARMAX code, even if it has to be converted first), I'd be eternally grateful if someone would tell me so.

    Note: I didn't look through this entire thread, so I don't know if anything's already been said in here about this code I want.
    Post by: MetroidMewtwo, Jun 18, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  11. MetroidMewtwo
    I'm sorry if this isn't the place to make a thread and ask(I'm new here, as you can tell), but if it is, then just tell me where I'm supposed to take this thread.

    Anyway, I'm having a strange problem with Stardust Sweep that's impairing my ability to get 100% on it; I'm missing one treasure item somewhere in mission 2.

    It shouldn't be so bad since I know what enemy holds it(a golden Cyclops, which I guess is the humanoid, stationary enemies that pop up in that stage) and even what special enemies it's in between(it's after the Hunter, which I'm certain is the giant cone-shaped enemy, but before a red Knight Head), except... I don't see it.

    I literally keep my eyes peeled open every single time I run through the mission, yet no matter what I do, every time I destroy the Hunter and move on, I see no golden Cyclops. Hell, what annoys me even more is that the red Knight Head that's supposed to show up sometime after the Hunter's dead, shows up INSTANTLY after the Hunter's destroyed!

    So where the crap is this golden Cyclops I need to kill to have 100% on mission 2? If anyone can help me out, TYiA.
    Thread by: MetroidMewtwo, Jun 18, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  12. MetroidMewtwo
    The game froze when I attempted to load it up after entering those Joker Codes for Axel>Goofy>Axel, but it might've been because of something else. I'll try it again later.

    And also, I found a code of which the effects are supposed to be "Drive Gauge 15 Bars", but there's a problem with the code itself;


    As you can see, the very last part of the last line had only four digits instead of five; It was like that where I found it. I'm unsure as to which digit goes on the end... I tried 0 and then going up, but it worked with the 0.

    Regardless, I haven't tried it yet because 1) I don't know the first thing about hacking/making codes/whatever, so for all I know that single digit may make the code do something completely different depending on what it is, and thusly 2) I'm unwilling to chance the risk it could do something bad if it's wrong.

    Consider it a contribution to this giant list of codes... If the proper digit can be found.
    Post by: MetroidMewtwo, Jun 17, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  13. MetroidMewtwo
    It's alright; The only codes I'd have problems with are ones that specifically say they can't be converted. For everything else, there's...

    MAXConvert!*expects for you to have expected me to say "MasterCard"*There's been quite a few codes from this topic that I converted with MAXConvert and they worked perfectly(such as the aforementioned "Replace Donald and Goofy with Leon and Axel" codes). The only possible exception is when I tried replacing the Kingdom Key's model with the Lunatic(ie Saix's Claymore), where just like the UDF Code it kept freezing when I tried loading a world as long as it was on.

    Though, will the Joker Codes be able to work in reverse, or like an on/off switch? If I make the "Replace Goofy with Axel" code into a Joker Code, and activated it when changing areas, would activating the code again when changing areas give me Goofy back? That's the reason I asked if a Joker Code would help with any problems I'd have with swapping Donald and Goofy out for other characters(sorry I forgot to mention that).

    Regardless, thanks for the help, and especially for being nice. It feels refreshing to get a nice reply after I tried asking for the question 2-4 codes on the KH2 boards at GameFAQs ¬_¬+
    Post by: MetroidMewtwo, Jun 17, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  14. MetroidMewtwo
    I apologize if someone's asked any of this already in this thread, but I can't be asked to go through all 390+ pages to find out. Also, just to let you know now, I only have ARMAX.

    1. How come some of the Custom Forms don't work for me? In particular, the Ultimate Darkness Form. No matter what I do, any time I tried loading the game up with the code for that form on, all that loads up when I load a file is the music and nothing else. Even if I have multiple codes on, if the UDF code is off then the area loads up almost an instant before the music does(so both load fairly quickly). If it helps any, the only file I tried this with was my end-game file where I saved at the Altar of Naught just before the Final Boss Rush.

    2. What's the code for swapping Sora's normal appearance with his Space Paranoids outfit? The Model Modifier codes on the first page said they couldn't be converted to ARMAX, and the ones that could were severely restricted to just the Drive Forms.

    3. Does anyone know of a code for Anti Form w/ Reaction Commands that work? Seriously, I've found two different codes for Anti-Form that both said they enable it to use Reaction Commands, yet they didn't(I'm not sure of the second one I tried, mostly because the only Reaction Command-ish thing I tried was Talk, so it might actually work with actual RC's in battle).

    4. I've been trying to replace Donald and Goofy with Leon and Axel(respectively) on a For-The-Hell-Of-It playthrough I started on Proud, and it's frozen three times. First time was after I skipped the cutscene when you first enter the Land of Dragons. Second time, I went to the first Save Point in LoD without Cheat Codes on, THEN turned them on; I replaced Donald with Leon(since I couldn't take Ping out of the party), but I had Goofy in the party, and the game froze the instant I tried to enter the Pause screen. The third time, I replaced Goofy with Axel instead; The code worked perfectly and Axel was just standing there, but as before, the game froze when I tried to pause. I'm not [just] asking what the best solution to fixing this is, but rather I was wondering if using a Joker Code would help as a Workaround. I never tried a Joker Code before, so I wouldn't know if it will.

    If anyone can help me with these questions/requests(?) of mine, TYiA. And one final time, I apologize if any of these were already asked elsewhere in this thread.
    Post by: MetroidMewtwo, Jun 17, 2009 in forum: Code Vault