My brother sounds exactly like Justin Bieber Is 11 years old and actually likes Justin Bieber. Curse you foul world...
banned for saying what I was going to say
banned for not liking rocks
Banned for hating bacon
Banned for making me spew water all over my computer
Banned for puns
I think one of the only reasons I really like KH1 more is because of the nostalgia factor. I got Kingdom Hearts back when I was 11 when it first came out and I remember it being one of my favorite games. When you're 11 you don't really notice the flaws of video games nearly as much, so to me it was the greatest thing in the universe. I wasn't until I was older that I saw how flawed the game actually was. Even still, there is a huge feeling of nostalgia I get from playing the first game. However flawed it is, it will always be the best to me because it was the start of the series. The original game is always the most sentimental to me.
Laughed hysterically. She looks like she covered herself in glue and ran through a Toys R Us.
I just got my welcome email today. I haven't really gotten to play that much of it yet--I'm pretty psyched I got into Slytherin though :Awesome: My username is ProphecySparks166
That...was interesting. Honestly I was expecting the conversation to derail faster than it did though.
I'm Fishes, who are you?
I wasn't even nominated :cryinganime:
I think a yes is a yes whether or not the person is drunk. You can be drunk and still knowingly consent to the sex.
KH1- The end of the game. It was such an accomplishment for me but it was sad that it was over KH2- The part where Axel died.
Fireworks- Animal Collective
That was actually one of my favorite movies growing up, but I totally forgot it existed.
I don't really listen to a lot of Japanese music, but I do really like Asian Kung Fu Generation and Flumpool [video=youtube;2Tu7UimiqsE][/video] [video=youtube;CzwJ-B3JpxI][/video]
The Lovers are Losing- Keane
I was expecting to play as Sora right off the bat. Then I get Roxas and a bunch of story that my brain was too tired and angry to comprehend :why?:. Plus it seemed like that portion of the game just took FOREVER.
The fact that Donald and Goofy use heal ALL THE TIME. Then when my health is low and my mp is low there isn't any potions left >:( Also I hated the whole beginning part of KH2. It was too tedious for me.