It was September 2004, and I was 14 (22 now).
This will be my final post as "Alan Smithee". I will no longer be using this account.
He/she is similar to Eraqus, but has actual tragic justification: he/she lost everything to Darkness, just like TAV, and now wants to "justify the means" against Darkness, with MX-like intelligence to back it up. But unlike MX, he/she actually treats his/her followers with genuine respect, to the point of mirroring Sora's devotion to his own friends.
Enemies of Light, preferably led by a sympathetic Light-based anti-villain who contrasts against Xehanort's unsympathetic Darkness-based sociopathy.
OFF-TOPIC: I'm a tad obsessive-compulsive with what I write/type, so in case you're wondering why some of my posts keep being edited/deleted, now you know. Anyway, I'll post the ending to my theory soon.
But Terra also has Eraqus's light-heart, which protects him from the control of Xehanort's dark-heart.
Maybe the "Terra" who supposedly belongs to Xehanort is actually the BBS version, time traveled from the past? That could explain "Mysterious Figure's" presence there. Plus, his Boss Battle in BBS was confirmed to be canon by Nomura.
But she's only human, and humans can only take so much. This was actually proven at the end of BBS, when she deliberately tried to get killed by a group of Darkside-Heartless. And you're right, she isn't the type to let sadness turn her into a monster. It could, however, turn her into a "vigilante".
That's because so far, the only thing keeping her going has been hope. Hope that someday, she'll be reunited with Terra and Ven, and then together they can go back home to the Land Of Departure. Take away that hope, however, and then what's left for her?
The shock could still drive her over the edge afterward, though.
If that happens, then I can easily imagine Aqua finally snapping and becoming a Light-crazed Woobie, Destroyer Of Worlds who is hell-bent on erasing all Darkness, perhaps even becoming the True Final Boss of KH3 after Xehanort's defeat.
However, Aqua would have to set up a figurehead-leader for the "pro-Light/anti-Darkness"-forces in order to keep her friends in the dark (no pun intended). Said figurehead would have to be a very charismatic Anti-Villain with believable authority. Aqua would also be an "Anti-Villain" herself, feeling extreme guilt for deceiving her friends, yet seeing no choice but to proceed with her plans for the greater good of the Worlds. Imagine the conversation that would take place once her friends found out....
Light-based enemy, please.
I don't think Terra cares about that anymore. All he wants now is to find his friends and make Xehanort suffer.
Way to ruin the surprise LOL
I find it difficult to believe that Xehanort was ever able to subdue Terra to that degree, seeing as how Eraqus also joined his Heart with Terra in order to counter Xehanort's. If anything, I feel that Xehanort was likely hinting at BBS-Terranort time-traveled from the past, when his control over Terra was obviously at its peak.
Light-based "vigilantes" who reject the idea of "balance" thanks to all the chaos caused by Darkness.
I have a strong feeling it'll be on both PS3 and Xbox360, just like FFXIII.
Me too. By the way, since Tokyopop discontinued the English translation after KH2 Vol. 2, does that technically mean we each own a complete set?
....I'm thinking of ending this account. These forums don't seem very active. That, and I was going to leave this account anyway; I belong to several forums, most of them KH-related, and I just find it too frustrating to keep up with multiple threads on multiple sites, especially since I've recently begun college. So, I'm ending all my accounts, this one included, until I can clear my head and "get my priorities straight." You guys have been pretty cool to me, and I'll miss you. I may rejoin under a different account someday, but in the meantime, goodbye.