But didn't MX say his time loop actually destined him to keep losing before DDD?
"Villain Sue" meaning: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/VillainSue Who else feels he is? Let's see: He's behind everything, he's had almost everything retconned for him, he has a s***load of backup plans, he's nigh-untouchable, and he keeps making the heroes (notably TAV) seem weak. Sounds like guys like Sosuke Aizen (Bleach) and Madara Uchiha (Naruto), no? Spoiler Personally, I hope someone finally pulls a Kaguya Otsutsuki (Naruto) on him in KH3.
To quote ReBoot's Megabyte: "I've always wanted to do that."
MLP:FIM S4 > The Legend Of Korra S2.
Maybe I should've went with this instead:
That show kicked @$$ back then! But sadly, I don't have Netflix.
Would be neat if Demyx, Luxord, Marluxia, and Larxene were members. But MX's comments made that unlikely.
Busy with other things, and these forums aren't as active as when I first signed up. Might come back, might not. - Signing off, A.S.
Who else likes it? P.S.: I obviously prefer WWE's Attitude Era over their PG Era.
R.I.P. indeed, Uncle Phil... ...R.I.P. indeed...
Which would you be? Earth Pony, Pegasus, or Unicorn? Me = Unicorn
I actually sort of liked Equestria Girls. My only real problem was with the villain; everything else was decent to me. P.S.: FLASH SENTRY STOLE MAH WAIFU!!!
1. Revived!Terra NOT a darkness (if INDEED one, then a certain twist in Blank Points was POINTLESS). Past!Terranort (BBS), though... 2. Light-based threat (Anti-Villain (TV Trope) foil to MX, maybe?) at last. 3. True Final Boss (TV Trope) after MX (him as the last boss would be TOO predictable (and BBS ALREADY did it), so surprise us instead, Nomura). To be continued...?
I think BBS!Terranort (MX is Revived!Xehanort) is one by time-travel. The sensible thing would be for him (w/ MX's darkness) to face KH3!Terra (w/ Eraqus' light) for symbolism.
I was busy becoming a brony.
@cse2311 - For bonus gray-morality points, make him/her a well-intentioned extremist (similar to N from Pokemon) rather than a "true" villain like MX. Maybe someone who, like TAV, has suffered greatly from Darkness, eventually snapping. Additionally, have him/her treat followers with Sora-like respect, contrasting MX's "use/discard"-approach.
Of course, KH3 itself could explore risks of going too far with Light while fighting Darkness, especially given what we know from DDD. A possible He Who Fights Monsters deal with at least one or two of the heroes, if you will.
Why do I get the feeling she'll likely end up following in her Master's/predecessor's footsteps because of all this?