i knew that will happen. but i can wait!:)
well i tried the code's but nothing happend! could someone tell me! how to work those map areas! as far as i tell you i am in extreme foul mood!
thanks sephiroth&cloud for these codes
soory i dont know the code try asking other members of this site i am a :stupid: though please help me find out the the codes is. i will give u credit i found a code or converted it but only action replay thanx :satisfied:
New wanted codes! i would like to thank Sephiroth&Cloud for these codes more credit for those who give me the codes what i wanted here's the list ally leon replacement codes ally cloud replacement codes boss hades replacement codes boss cloud replacement codes boss leon replacement codes castle oblivion room codes xemnas throne room codes final xemnas battle room codes 100% journal complete all keyblades and this maybe impossible play as Demyx remember: credit for those who bring the right codes and works beacause i am making a video that it might be good
Saix Codes I Need some Saix replacement codes for Action replay! :(im sorry that i was becoming a total idiot but thing is i dont have codebreaker and i dont know how to convert i dont suppose you guys could tell me how to convert and the saix codes thank you Guys i think you deserve some credit for this thread!
who is this Tetsuya Nomura?
names but mixed with other members names i would go for Laraeus Roxyon Vegmar Luxas Demene i not sure. someone Else could figure it out!
you doubt it? that you cant play as all of the members? surely they would do that? but i think it is a good idea that you can play as all of the members!
t stance COM Members codes there are members of org13. T Stance Members such as Zexion, Vexen , Marluxia, Larxene and lexaeus they are not for final mix ( not sure ) look i know i am stupid. i have not tested them but try them out i am not sure they are for PAL Or NTSC Try these for me please? Marluxia replaces Donald (T-Stance) D5GT-KYP3-BBGXH 0VDY-630M-A1PUM Larxene relplaces Donald (T-Stance) PDU3-5FVA-F5AYP 7NFC-R2WT-4F58B Lexaeus Replaces Donald (T-Stance) Q7H9-YM74-604H5 C1KJ-959D-F02W4 Vexen replaces Goofy (T-Stance) ZYA6-DK7Z-QE4QG HD01-7CU8-VYR20 Zexion replaces Goofy (T-Stance) C9AF-Y65D-TPDA6 4W7P-VNJD-G9RRE Dont Argue with me about fake copyrights! i am not a hacker or an internet criminal! yes i am stupid as usaul. so please dont blame me. they are for action replay but i dont have codebreaker. and i dont know how to convert!!
Delete my thread sigh i guess this is not good enough After 2 days and no comments? i guess i have to delete my thread then i dont want it to be boring cause i remember in TS2 you have to do certain things to unlock things. but in future perfect everything is unlocked once you created your own profile which spoils the game! and games that is spoiled ruins my fun and gets boring easily but how the:censor2:to delete my thread??!!!
good blog good blog there. i didnt know there was Halo on nintendo DS Thing is i want it cause i'm both a kingdom hearts fanatic and halo as well. i hope they have bots. you know what do i mean?. It is a bit like Timesplitters you kill bots in order to score. i will like that!:stupid:
who knows? when it is going to come out your guess is good as mine!
i think it is a good idea that there should be a kingdom hearts movie. what do you all say about that?:)
Replacement codes (PAL Only) Everyone want these codes pal version of course Saix replacement codes Cloud ally replacement codes Leon ally replacement codes Xigbar replacement codes Enemy Riku replacement codes Hades Replacement codes Twilight Thorn replacement codes Tell me those PLZ Only AR Max Thank you:)
Thanks for letting me know after japanese version is out then 6 mounths later the european version is coming out great! :D:guns:
so the game is going to come out somepoint in next year thanx :D
new names i prefer Somebodies if a person is whole such as Riku is a somebodie it depends though the stronger the heart of theirs will be difficult to eliminate them! but be careful those somebodies sometimes they use their half as a partner of those like a bit of cloning like this 1......1
members such as , Vexen, Lexaeus, Zexion, Marluxia, And Larxene Play as any of them in multiplayer but you must find a way to unlock them Post your idea's now!
i always wanted the game though do you agree that i comes out on nearly every country? cause i wanted an UK Version of it. come place your comments