lol he needs to be alive to change it, but limbs aren't that important mehehe
lol yays u take roxy I get axel!
take thread? what that mean, i know i know noob...
Hey minnasan this is the Aiko that does the new type cast of otaku-ness. To view it click the link below.
What about Axel? LOVE the other guys, roxy expecially, but no Axel?
Hi im new, was just searching around the group list and thought this looked cool. Can someone give kind of a intro walkthrough so I know what I'm doing?
OMG that is aa title I've not read in a long time, i discovered it in the 8th grade too. I'm a takuto fan girl!!!!!
If anyone can either send me the song Obscure by dir en grey or copy paste a free, virus free, and safe link to download it that'd be great.
Hey I'm Aiko105, I've got video upload questions.
Thank You!!! Thank you so much I've been trying to download crucial cutscenes for days and they all kept directing me to that annoying Filefront site. It's a little sad to see all those broken hearts(links) but at least most of the cutscenes are back! Thank you again.
Thanks, again!
Thanks, btw is it just me but are some of the cutscenes still down, I read they were back up but I still get that filefront site page.
Thanks, wahh!!! BTW is it just me or are some of the cutscenes still down?
BIRTH BY SLEEP NOW!!!! MUST HAVE CUTSCENES AND GAME!!! Anyone know when it'll come here in Traverse Town?