And this to make Antis second weapon the oathkeeper. (can be changed if you want) 1032EF3C 000002A no anti-form NZBC-CWXG-XW0FC W7P9-2N5G-DZF6M drive into valor(anti) 11CFAC8C 00000055 can someone convert these plz and i also need these codes: 98 finishing pluses 98 power up 98 ap up 98 defence up 98 strength
thanks for the codes
dose any body have these codes i need them for my new code video: Roxas as aly replaces donald Roxas as aly replaces goofy DW Roxas as aly replaces donald DW Roxas as aly replaces goofy Sora as aly replaces donald Sora as aly replaces goofy Axel aly in guest spot Roxas can use reaction comands DW Roxas can use reaction comands floating keyblades plz i will give u credit in the video
dose anyone
no the onw on google didn't say number13 on roxas can someone just test them floating key blades 6GHJ-5HZV-79UJX A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF ME6Y-CC6F-WT3GC 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN BEK4-8ZKT-49QNY 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A KKEZ-5W7B-6F46V dose anybody have the floating keyblade code that works
shephiroth can't be an aly i saw that to he was vsing shephiroth with cloud as aly. edit:you stole your avi from my old account espeon's sig
you can't get shelpy as aly only boss
can someone test these codes i would test it but i have to go to a party today Riku has DW Roxas's Moveset CXQA-B99W-FG24N A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF NAWT-WKKX-GJAY7 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN 4XND-MT58-G28ET 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A YNZM-RZKU-TGK1N Kingdom Key is Kingdom Key(space paranosis) METB-QBR1-253Q3 JZ97-86QD-6WBQ5 O Shortcut is dark aura YNRQ-PQ2N-12BAB 49WU-398K-PY37U drive into axel(valor)(don't think it will work it will probably crash your game) 8T6Y-MUTC-WT3KP DEWD-29QZ-NQNTP and also play as axel(don't think it will work it will probably crash your game) 4XEU-YNRJ-H74C5 U71R-P9U6-6EPU9 Xemnes 1st battle replaces Guest EPHK-UP8E-A1D1Q 3838-E9TM-6NPPZ i converted them my self i just want to see if they work
no they have realeased it for fm ps2
wait so we can't play as axel yet because we can play as hooded roxas
i have to one to make riku hold the weapon that sora's was holding befor u turned it on here: riku has sora's keyblade VK5F-6PZU-0PZJ9 A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF NAWT-WKKX-GJAY7 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN CDDP-BE00-YBDUR 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A 7MCB-E9UM-MC8DQ