i recently started this series and i fell in love instantly! anyone have any thoughts?
i love pottermore my name is mugwumpsnitch11447, im pretty glad i got put in ravenclaw, it's better than hufflepuff hahah. I've got 400 house points but more are still hopefully to come!
i got dragged to the cinemas wiht my friends the only reason i went was to see this one friend i hadn't seen in ages, i never expected to enjoy the movie, to be honest im not a big fan of superheroes. they're all the same! but i really enjoyed this movie, it was awesome!
.... i loved it i absolutely loved it, all the ways it fit together with the shakespearean classic. Everything was done perfectly even down to the '2B' on the front of the mailboxes, awesome movie!
it's lost storyline, i used to enjoy it, never missed an episode but now i really can't stand it. it's full of stereotypes and social groups with the 'status quote' but i've lost track on how many times they've been to the reginals or nationals or whatever and i don't deal well with confusion.
i watched the trailer on youtube out of boredom, scared me alot, i think i was mainly disturbed, it was disgusting footage but yet that just made me want to watch the movie even more, i haven't plucked up the courage yet haha
books are way better than the movie, i still really enjoyed the movie, i liked all the techniques and something about it was different, i also noticed it was a really quite movie, but i like that not alot of noise and you could focus on the storyline and katniss's voice.
hey nice to meet you, thanks for the reply
helps meee too
thanks everyone
I don't have any posters, i only have a necklace, a big keyblade, and a canvas sort of thing but no posters, im trying to get one on the internet hahah
well, well well. i can't give you basics i don't know anything hahaha -_-
when i was little i was terrified of those little fluffy things that are on your toes when you take your socks off, i hated them haha
you really should check out Florence + the machine, they're brilliant and Bon Iver, musical legend
well im not the one to tell you, im as clueless as you are heha
Well this post is a dissapointment, haha betcha no one will reply :(
hey everyone im pretty new here and want to learn the basics pretty please
hahah cool im stuck on demyx, i just can't get past him, im so close though
it winter right now where i live.
Monopoly all the way!