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  1. AntiXigbar

    Hey, your willing to test codes right? Im feeling kind of lazy, so can you test one for me PLEEEEZZEE?????
    Post by: AntiXigbar, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  2. AntiXigbar
    Profile Post

    Hey dudes!

    Hey dudes!
    Status Update by AntiXigbar, Jul 27, 2010
  3. AntiXigbar
    Post by: AntiXigbar, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  4. AntiXigbar
    Not gonna work???

    Kick ass! Thanks! Wait, its already Jokered? Oh so It wont work? Then How come i see people in Kh2fm with it working? I dont get it O.O :(

    AND ANOTHER THING! I used the UMD and converted all the values to ARMAX (NTSC)

    I tested: Kairi's Keyblade
    Struggle Bat B
    And Kingdom Key (Space Paranoids)
    They all BSOD me. Any Idea why???
    Post by: AntiXigbar, Jul 26, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  5. AntiXigbar
    Thanks man! I need Sora with Anti Appearance Jokered for NTSC. Do you want me to post the code, or can you handle that?:sleepy:
    Post by: AntiXigbar, Jul 25, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  6. AntiXigbar
    How do I joker them?

    How do I Joker them?
    Post by: AntiXigbar, Jul 25, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  7. AntiXigbar
    Help with some codes!

    Hey can anyone help me? I tried a couple of codes and they dont seem to work. I have ARMAX (NTSC) and Kh2(NTSC) and I use Omniconvert 1.0.3

    Ok, here are the codes that don't work properly.

    Normal Sora with Anti Appearance. Reason: BSOD's when I start up game.

    DW Sora (I converted it). Reason: When I start up game im Normal Sora and when i go to a different room it crashes.

    Slot 2 Codes: I fought Xemnas with his current HP at 0D48 and MAX at 0D48 and his hp never goes down it sometimes regenerates when It does go down.

    Thanks to anyone who helps me!
    Post by: AntiXigbar, Jul 25, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  8. AntiXigbar
  9. AntiXigbar
    Profile Post

    Whats UPPP!!!!!

    Whats UPPP!!!!!
    Profile Post by AntiXigbar for Aurangzeb56, Jul 9, 2010
  10. AntiXigbar


    Anyone Else think there should have been more Keyblades In Kingdom Hearts?
    Thread by: AntiXigbar, Jul 1, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone