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  1. Shadowknight320
    Gai watches Tommy transform into the green ranger and grin "Your Zyurangers' Dragon Ranger too huh?" He takes a figure shaped like the green ranger into his Gokai Cellular. "Gokai Change!" With a shout of ZYYUUUUURANGER!" from the Cellular he transforms into the same ranger as Tommy is currently "You know what they say Tommy, two can play at this game!" He charges at Tommy with the song "Go Green Ranger Go!" playing in the background
    Post by: Shadowknight320, Nov 25, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Shadowknight320
    -Hogwarts Grounds-
    Tommy smiled underneath his helmet and jumped back, sending a Wave Strike toward Gai with the Brachio Staff. He landed and waited to see the results of his recant attack to Gai.[/quote]

    Gai jumps over the wave strike, puts the Sushi samurai disk into the Sakanamaru and goes right in front of Tommy with Shinken Gold's iaido attack "1000 FILLETS!" And slashes him 1000 times at a blurring speed.
    Joe joins Ahim watching Tommy and Gai with interest "Hey Ahim, what's going on down there? Are Tommy and Gai having a more cleaner fight?" He watches on from the Galleon with Ahim
    Post by: Shadowknight320, Nov 24, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Shadowknight320

    -Hogwarts Grounds-

    Tommy blocked with Saba, he jumped back a ways and noticed the Brachio Morpher that appeared on his left wrist. He smiled, sheating Saba and pulled the key out, inserting it in, "Dino Thunder, Power up!" He changed to the Black Dino Ranger and pulled out the Brachio Staff to fight even.


    Gai looked shocked when he saw Tommy transform into a black ranger "Your Abare Black from the Abarangers too? Well I can change into different Rangers too!" He gets out a golden Samurai like figure and he turns it into a key and puts it into his Gokai Cellular. "Gokai Change!" And with a shout of "SHHHIIINNNNNKENGER!" from the cellular and an big golden kanji symbol that means the word "Light" appears and in front of Tommy was Gai transformed from Gokai Silver into Shinken Gold and Gai pulls out a blue tantou sword. "Bring it on Tommy, show me what you're made off!"
    Post by: Shadowknight320, Nov 23, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Shadowknight320
    -Hogwarts Ground-

    Tommy took a breath, whispering to himself, "It's morphin time," and pulled out his Power Morpher, he shouted, "White Tiger!" He changed to the White Ranger, he pulled his dagger and whispered to it, "Lets go, Saba." "With you all the way, Tommy." The tiger head said, Tommy got into his fighting stance with his dagger.[/quote]

    When Gai saw Tommy fully morphed his jaw just dropped "Oh..... My........ God! That's Kibaranger from the Gosei Sentai Dairanger team!" He looks all over the suit admiring the suit "It's so accurate even it is apparently different, it's still looks exactly like the actual thing!" He runs back a few meters and gets out his Gokai Cellular and a silver Ranger Key and puts the key into the Cellular "I'm so ready for this!" He presses a button on the Cellular and does a pose "Gokai Change!" He changes into a Silver Sentai Ranger with the shout of "GOOOOOKAIGER!" from the Cellular "Now Tommy... Face the power of GOOOOOOOOKAI..... SILVER!" He does his pose and holds out his Gokai Spear and says "Let's make a silvery show of it, here I come!" And charges at Tommy.
    Post by: Shadowknight320, Nov 22, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Shadowknight320
    Gai gets up and jumps up and down with excitement "OOOOOOOOHHHHH MY GOD! THANK YOU!" He hugs Tommy and goes outside and gets ready for the spar but before he leaves the Galleon he talks to Billy and Don "Hey Billy would you mind fixing Gozyudrill for me? It was damaged during the crash and seeing as you fixed up Navi pretty well, I would need Gozyudrill up and running ready if we need help in case these demon things become giants or something. And Don as you need cheering up, you could go help him as you know the structure more then Billy does. OK thanks bye!" He runs off out of the Galleon and outside into the Hogwarts grounds ready for the spar with Tommy.
    Post by: Shadowknight320, Nov 21, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Shadowknight320
    Gai and Joe watch what's going on but Joe continues to do his press ups and Gai carries on talking to Tommy "Who does that guy think he is, talking to us like we're trash? Tcch~ I don't know.... He then changes the conversation back about him being a Power Ranger "But anyway, so if your a Power Ranger and you say your like the Sentai in someway... Would you mind showing me in a friendly spar match? As in my Sentai Ranger vs your whatever Ranger power you have? Please?" Gai soon goes hyper again "Aaaaaawwwww man! It'll be so awesome! Pretty pretty please?!"
    Post by: Shadowknight320, Nov 20, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Shadowknight320
    Post by: Shadowknight320, Nov 20, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Shadowknight320
    Joe snorted at Draco on what he said "You? Noble? Pfft~ Don't make me laugh!" He goes up to do his daily press ups and Gai also speaks up "COMMON?! Do you not know who we are? We are the 35th Super Sentai team, the Kaizoku Sentai Goooooookaiger who currently hold the power of the past 34 Sentai teams and you dare call us "Common?" Gai eats a croissant and notices Tommy sitting next to him wearing something on his belt that resembles a Dino Buckler (A transforming device that the Zyurangers used to transform into their Sentai forms) He falls on the floor and crawls on his knees up to Tommy "Where the heck did you get that?! You didn't steal it did you?!"
    Post by: Shadowknight320, Nov 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Shadowknight320
    Joe looks at Hermione and then at Basco and moves the sword away from his neck "Fine...." Joe helps Basco up "But I don't have to like or trust you and...." He whispers in his ear... "If you ever take one step out of line.... So help you, I won't hold anything back! Got it?" Gai runs up to Luka, delighted to see her again and wanting to give her a hug "LUKA-CHAN!"
    Post by: Shadowknight320, Nov 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Shadowknight320
    Gai looks and sees Basco with a brown haired girl "Basco... And I'm guessing that's the Hermione girl Marvelous-san was on about..." "There you are you little *******!" Joe runs past Gai nearly knocking him over "Wait Joe!" Joe runs up to Basco and punches his face so hard he hits the ground and points his sword near his neck. "Tell me.... What the hell are you doing here?!" Gai just stands there shocked at what he saw.
    Post by: Shadowknight320, Nov 18, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Shadowknight320
    Profile Post Comment

    Hello =3

    Hello =3
    Profile Post Comment by Shadowknight320, Nov 17, 2012
  12. Shadowknight320
  13. Shadowknight320

    Gai runs up to his captain delighted to see him again until he and Joe heard what Marvelous said and they start speaking by saying in unison "Basco?!" "Why.. No.. How did he revive himself?" "Why is he alive?.... And if so, what the hell do you mean by "Keeping an eye on him"? You should know that he can't be trusted! He did try to take our Ranger Key's and he took over the Galleon and now that he's alive again your letting him run riot?! Why?!" Gai walks past Joe and follows Marvelous "Come on, he'll explain.... He always does." Still annoyed over the fact that why Basco out of all people was revived and that Marvelous would be keeping him under his wing, Joe reluctantly follows Gai and his captain hoping he'll get some answers.
    Post by: Shadowknight320, Nov 17, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Shadowknight320
  15. Shadowknight320

    "Marvelous it's me Joe and Gai's with me, The Gozyudrill's crashed near an giant tree. We'll meet you there." Joe sits near the Gozyudrill and Gai is viewing the area. "This place is fancy isn't it? Man I'm so pumped!" "Don't go wondering off like some kid" "Maybe climbing that tree might give me a better view" Gai notices an crow fly near a giant tree and it ends up gets whacked and crashes into the ground dead "Ooooorrrrrr not..." Joe sighs and looks up at the rising sun.
    Post by: Shadowknight320, Nov 16, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Shadowknight320
    A giant spaceship with a giant drill appears though a portal and crash lands into the Hogwarts castle grounds and then two young males come out of the ship. They check their surroundings and one is holding a tracking device. "So this is where the Gokai Galleon was last located huh?...." He said to his fellow male in the ship."That means Marvelous and the others are nearby! "GGGGAAAAAAAHHHHH! I can't wait to see them again!" He yelled out in excitement as the blue clothed man whacked him on the head lightly "Knock it off...." He then sighs "And keep it down, we don't know what's around here..... I'll try calling them." He picks up a very usual cellphone and tries to ring them
    Post by: Shadowknight320, Nov 16, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Shadowknight320
    Thanks a lot guys (brohoofs) Crimson Azoth, thanks for the warning ^^
    Post by: Shadowknight320, Aug 24, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  18. Shadowknight320
    Username: Shadowknight320

    Characters I'm using:

    Character of Choice: Ikari Gai
    Picture(optional): Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger
    Additional Info:

    Character of Choice: Joe Gibken
    Picture (optional):[/spolier]
    Game/Anime/Etc. thPe Character is from: Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger Additional Info:
    Hiromu Sakurada & Cheetah Nick (Go-Busters)

    Machfalcon (Kaizoku Sentao Gokaiger)
    Optimus Prime (Transformer Prime)
    Bumblebee (Tranformers Prime)
    Post by: Shadowknight320, Aug 24, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Shadowknight320
    Hey guys, the names Robert but you can call me Shadow :3 Pleased to meet you all ^^
    Thread by: Shadowknight320, Aug 24, 2012, 10 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures