Hey you never know! This is an entirely new game so anything really is possible
Kingdom Hearts multiplayer? Only way they did it last time was in BBS with the armour in the arena, so there's obviously going to be SOMETHING new that will distinct our characters... Guesses anyone?
Summer at last..
New cloths again??? I just hope they include some of the original keyblades in this game like Oathkeeper, Oblivion, stuff like that again. And there's an appearance or 2 of Roxas :3
Well you're kinda right. Roxas looks like Ventus because that part of his heart took Ven's form which as you said, is resting within Sora's heart to mend. However, Roxas and Ventus are two completely different people with two completely different personalities. Also since Sora was a nobody for such a short period of time, all of his memories didn't go completely to Roxas. That's why he was such a zombie at first and didn't remember anything from his past. But you also have to think: Yen sid said that when a person turns into a Heartless, the body and Will are left to wither away. But if their heart was strong enough they would combine to form a Nobody which is basically their body and their will (their soul). But like I said, Sora was a Heartless for such a short period of time that Roxas never had the chance to fully obtain all of his memories which made him a zombie at first. So all I'm suggesting is that a part of Sora's soul rests within Roxas and the same with Kairi and Namine while they exist simultaneously.
Now here's another thought that many people overlook: You know how Nobodies are their original host's soul in a body right? Well Roxas and Namine are no different EXCEPT their original selves: Sora and Kairi, existed at the same time they did. So does that mean that Sora and Kairi only had half a soul until they returned?
Knowing my luck, It'll probably come out on PS4
actually either way the 1st Nobody that Roxas fights in both games is the Dusk. In Days for the "Prove Your Endurance" and on day 1 when the photos were stolen
man I love the mangas for Kingdom Hearts! I actually found a slip in series 1 book 4: This is the part where Sora loses his keyblade to Riku at Hollow Bastion. Sora is suppose to have a wooden sword but on page 28 in the top left panel but gave him his keyblade accidently. I know I'm not the first person to notice but just pointing it out for those who didnt.
Truly amazing. Love with the card separators for CoM, and checkers for 358/2 days, and how the backrest of the throne is all the different Keyblades Sora can use. With a little bit of humor with Kairi touching Sora's crown. xD
I agree with the list but would've replaced Vexen with Marluxia honestly.
my gut has a good feeling about 758
358 for 358/2 days DON'T FAIL ME NOW!!!!!
Imagine Portal in Kingdom Hearts... Now that's what I'd call a Kingdom Hearts "mix" xD
Now they need this in North America
WHYYYYYYYYYY!? Y IS IT IN JAPANESE!!!!! D': D': D': *cries* i know literally EVERYTHING about it yet i can't take it!!!! THIS IS LITERALLY KILLING ME INSIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!! think i'm gonna die from depression.... :'(
Wow that is SWEET!!!! man though... hmmm im gonna just take a guess and say that since kh 3d is coming in japan in march... i think it'll come out late june, early-late july.
it as crystal and she was being absorbed into roxas so that once he returned to sora, she would as well. and once she did, roxas gained the access to dual wield.
also, did u change ur username? i thought it was like cats<3sora or something like that...and is that a pic of u or just a random person (i would...