Do I smell another contest coming on eventually? :3
Can't wait for this game to come out!!! But I do have a few hopes for the game. Feel free to tell me your opinions! D' love to hear what you guys think! My top 5 hopes for the Kh3: 1. No censorship (like in kh2) If it's in the movies, PUT IT IN THE GAME! Got a little disappointed in kh2 with Port Royal and the Hydra... I know it's rated E10+ but still, if it's in the movies, then it's fine! We're in the age where 10 year olds are raging in COD! I think we can handle a little green blood, guns, and a tiny flame. 2. I'd really like there to be no final mix of the game. I want all of the game at once. 3. Multiplayer - need I say more? 4. Cut down on cheesiness just a TINY BIT. Maybe it's just me on this one. I hate cheesiness, I can put up with it in most of the games, but a few kinda pushed the limit for me. Got kinda annoying at times... 5. Multiple playable characters. I loved how you could choose what character you wanted to play for BBS, DDD, and 358/2 days. (Basically I just want to play as Roxas again. Kh2 and 358/2 days weren't enough for me. :3) View attachment 36933
OH COME ON!!! They are REALLY wanting me to buy a PS3 -_-' Right now I'm praying to God that I can stream this game over the PS4
Aaaaaand of course I'm gonna have the computer that has 1366 x 768 resolution and they have 1366 x 766 resolution -_-'[DOUBLEPOST=1379638101][/DOUBLEPOST] Well this is Kingdom Hearts we're talking about. You can't expect it not to be a little cheesy xD
What are you talking about? I am me! Nobody else!
Soo... uhh... was kinda wondering when the prizes for the other finalists were gonna be handed out. They're pins for the site right?
Fair enough.
is there a reason you spelled "dual" wrong?
KH III confirmed for ps4 and xbox one. Millions of people will buy one just for the game... and I will be one of them.
Yeeeaaa on Krowley's 10th point I was like " *sigh* Nick, just please beat him to the buzzard. " Now I know how Misty's opponents felt on the pilot episode. Well congratulations to him for winning. He deserves the title. :) Side note: For those of you wondering what I was going about sending my lizard at Krowley, my chinese water dragon got out of his cage before recording and we were joking around about it. Side note 2: Even after looking at the manga after the match, Cid's flamethrower still looks like a hand-held cannon to me
What's the difference between the final mix manga vs the regular?
Wow I really need to study some more for the final round... Could barely keep up this round. :/ Gonna be hard because soccer started up and there are 2 practices a day from 8:00 a.m - 10:30 a.m and 2 p.m - 4:30 p.m this week and I'm not sure about next week. I know I'm asking a lot, but if we could, can we make the championship be a week from Sunday (the 18th)? Don't want to be unprepared for Nick and Krowley.
Yea I figured that out moments after I said that.
Awww man I was so awkward in this podcast. I had fun playing against you guys and honestly I was afraid of Misty. I thought I'd be chasing her, not the other way around xD I can't wait to go to the finals in a couple of weeks and go for the crown! (also on a side note, for the Deep Jungle heartless question, I mixed up the meanings of "excluded" and "exclusive" xp) (Side note 2: Destiny Islands arranged into it's disneyLAND. Not just "it's Disney". Sorry for that)
Kingdom Hearts trivia Sunday! Excited and nervous at the same time!
As long as I'm not busy on the day I participate, I'm in!
Shame it can't be played on the PS4 when it comes out :(
I would've asked if Nomura would've given anything about there being any "multiplayer"
I don't think that MOST players really need a re-cap from previous games continuously in my opinion. I mean a few flashbacks here and there wouldn't hurt but if people are just beginning the game and are going to just jump right into the final chapter of the saga, they should AT LEAST know what's happened from the previous games otherwise why should they skip to the final part when you have no idea why/how things are happening? All the recaps in cutscenes would kinda be a waste of time for experienced players who know exactly why/how things are happening. If they really want to do this, I would do what they did in re: coded and just put previous game info in Jiminy's Journal so it's there for new users to look at and out of the way for more experienced players. But this is just my opinion.