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  1. DualBladeRoxas
    Interesting survey. Just finished it. Wished they would've asked "How do you think the games could be better?" though. Even though it is my absolute favorite series of all time, it's not absolutely perfect. The one thing that annoys me the most about the games is
    1. the censorship for the US versions
    2. the cheesiness of some story line *cough* end of re: coded *cough*. Gets kinda annoying...

    View attachment 37793
    Post by: DualBladeRoxas, Mar 7, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. DualBladeRoxas
    Yes I know that. It's not like they've been saying "Kh3 for PS4" or anything. I get it. Special features on the game can use it as a 2nd screen. I just said that because for once I actually have a system that will work with it already instead of me having to buy a PS4 along with a PSVita
    View attachment 37602
    Post by: DualBladeRoxas, Feb 23, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. DualBladeRoxas
    Niiiiiiiiiice. PsVita works with kh3. PERFECT! I actually have that.

    View attachment 37558
    Post by: DualBladeRoxas, Feb 18, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. DualBladeRoxas
  5. DualBladeRoxas
    Well what I meant was, don't leave any remaining questions at the end like, "Okay, now what?" or "And what's (so and so) doing at this time...?". Stuff like that.
    View attachment 37464
    Post by: DualBladeRoxas, Jan 26, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. DualBladeRoxas
    Honestly, all I want them to do is do a good job, answer all remaining questions in the series and have a great ending to the Xehanort Saga. If it takes them 3 more years to finish it, I say so be it. I would rather wait for a game than have it ASAP and it be completely awful and rushed.
    View attachment 37421
    Post by: DualBladeRoxas, Jan 24, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. DualBladeRoxas
    Yes, Roxas was born when Sora stabbed himself to save Kairi (also creating Namine in the process), but doesn't have all his memories from before because Sora wasn't a heartless for very long. Another reason why Xion can't remember anything is because she's not a true Nobody. She's only replica that holds only the memories of Kairi, making Xion resemble Kairi in every way who was created to copy Roxas's powers. As for what you said about Nobodies getting their memories faster by being together, that's not really a factor... The strongest Nobodies (the humanoid versions) get all of their memories once they turn into one. Only Roxas is the exception (Xion doesn't count because she's not a true Nobody). Now when I said that they've had hearts, you basically quoted me but in much greater detail. As for the lesser nobodies, you'd have to go into what a Nobody really is and how they form. If a person dies, their body and will are left. Lesser Nobodies (Creeper, Dusk, etc.) have a disformed body but have their will so they can make decisions on their own. All they want is purpose now, making them great slaves. However if someone with a strong will dies, they get to keep their original body, soul AND MEMORIES (with the exception of Roxas who took Ven's form who lives inside of Sora's heart). Everyone in the Organization says they remember who they were. They keep their memories from the start. Only Roxas is the special one who couldn't. Xemnas explained how a heart can never be completely gone, which, by how he explains it, means a small part of their heart lives within them but can be nurtured back to full health. If you want a representation of my thinking, think of the movie "Warm Bodies". They are just zombies at first, just their original body and soul to wonder the earth eating brains to survive, but over time, they nurture themselves back to normal and they become alive again. Now, here's the weird/scary part. Since a Nobody is their body and soul, Sora exists the same time Roxas does. Roxas takes Ven's bodily form which is understandable since he lives inside of Sora's heart. However, does that mean Sora only has half of his soul since Roxas exists? Same thing with Namine. Kairi and Namine exist the same time too. Riddle me that. If I'm not clear about anything I've said above, let me know
    and I'll clarify what I'm saying.
    View attachment 37407

    Post by: DualBladeRoxas, Jan 17, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. DualBladeRoxas
    I haven't seen "Frozen" but everyone says that it's a really good movie... Might have to actually go see it... Better than "The Lion King" though?? That's gonna be hard to beat. Lion King was definitely favorite Disney movie.

    View attachment 37406
    Post by: DualBladeRoxas, Jan 16, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. DualBladeRoxas
    *WARNING, DDD SPOILERS* You all are forgetting that they DO have hearts! Xemnas lied to them remember? He gave them the goal to complete Kingdom Hearts so they could get hearts of their own when really he's using them as vessels. Once Kingdom Hearts would be complete, Xehanort would split his heart 13 ways making 13 versions of himself. Therefore, Nobodies do have all their memories and they DO have hearts. As for the lesser Nobodies, i.e. Dusks, Creepers, Samurai, etc. They are basically animals, relying solely on instinct (as Yen Sid explained in KH2) so I don't believe they have memories of before their death...
    View attachment 37365
    Post by: DualBladeRoxas, Jan 7, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. DualBladeRoxas
    Winter is co... Oh wait...
    Status Update by DualBladeRoxas, Jan 3, 2014
  11. DualBladeRoxas

    View attachment 37344
    Post by: DualBladeRoxas, Jan 1, 2014 in forum: Community News & Projects
  12. DualBladeRoxas
  13. DualBladeRoxas
  14. DualBladeRoxas
    Merry Christmas everyone!
    Post by: DualBladeRoxas, Dec 25, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. DualBladeRoxas
    I'm PRAYING TO GOD that this is going to be one of those games where you can convert into PS4 format.

    View attachment 37150
    Post by: DualBladeRoxas, Dec 21, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  16. DualBladeRoxas
    Try Chrome. Worked for me. Just takes awhile for the pixels to render though. So open it and leave it for about an hour or so.
    Post by: DualBladeRoxas, Dec 15, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  17. DualBladeRoxas
    Took awhile for the thing to load... but it's one of the best pictures of KH I've ever seen...

    View attachment 37096
    Post by: DualBladeRoxas, Dec 14, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  18. DualBladeRoxas
    Im just a little disapointed that 2.5 is exclusive for PS3 :/ Getting a PS4 eventually but it's not backwards compatible and KH2 was definitely one of my favorite games in the series and even attempted to use an emulator to play the final mix version... but failed x_x
    View attachment 37057
    Post by: DualBladeRoxas, Dec 4, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  19. DualBladeRoxas
    All the censorships from KH2 I can think of:

    1. Instead of guns, pirates get crossbows
    2. Will turner instead of holding the gun to his head, he just holds it to his side threatening of suicide so the pirates wouldn't harm them
    3. I believe there was something about the Grim Reaper Heartless that was censored, maybe I'm mistaken on that part

    1. Instead of having green blood, it just shows shadows of darkness when you hit the hydra even though in the cutscene with Hercules fighting it they show the green blood which is weird...

    1. Xigbar's cross heirs were mostly removed
    2. On Axel's sacrifice, he should've been showed on fire a little bit after he "blew up" so to speak. It wasn't like he was engulfed, it was a little tiny flame

    I believe there's more but again, these are just off the top of my head.

    View attachment 37014
    Post by: DualBladeRoxas, Nov 15, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. DualBladeRoxas
    That's right, they edited the cross heirs when he goes into sniper mode which really gets me annoyed -.-' THEY'RE CROSS HEIRS!!! NOT A NAKED WOMEN!!!

    View attachment 37011
    Post by: DualBladeRoxas, Nov 14, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates