Rest in peace man... Your work will be missed
It is if you are working on multiple things at once and if your company name is "Square Enix"
... Anyone want to give me a used PS3...?
Alright! Now that he's putting aside FFXV, KH3 will come out sometime during this lifetime and I won't have to be frozen and re-awoken in a century or two. (for those of you who don't get what I'm saying, I'm making fun of the fact that Square Enix is EXTREMELY slow at releasing games) View attachment 40178
Attack on Titan theme. Nice.
Summer at last
Welp... Time to go dumpster diving to find a PS3... Oh my God I hope so badly that this game will eventually be compatible with the PS4's soon-to-be backwards compatibility app for ps3 games (didn't catch E3 so I don't know if they said anything about it or not). Otherwise my heart will be ripped out of my body, shred to pieces by Larxene's knives while Saix goes beserk on it, and then a random Shadow Heartless comes and takes a monstrous dump on it while Vivi is sitting in the corner laughing. God that kid's laugh irritated the crap out of me... View attachment 38755
Eeeehhh.... I dunno if I want to do this again... My self respect died from my commentary last time... Not that I didn't enjoy it. I loved showing off my KH knowledge. It's just that I do have a life and I haven't touched any of the games for like 6 months. Also still not owning a PS3 and my PS4 isn't backwards compatible doesn't help... So I'm gonna just enjoy the show unless I'm absolutely needed to have an even number of people for a match or convinced otherwise. View attachment 38524
I asked if this would be a game that will be eventually compatible with PlayStation's app for backwards compatibility. View attachment 38491
o_O weird Nether Portal glitch: View attachment 38426
Well that idk how it happened. The portal's hooked up to the one up front.
I did that so people can get to spawn easier via nether portal. Some people don't live close to spawn so instead of them walking, they can just go through the nether portal. Please don't destroy it. The portal in the nether is safe so no mobs can get through.
There's a new IP? If so then I didn't get it.
Why did the server go down...?
If there is a next time that is. I'm just upset about my commentary. After re-listening to it on the site, every time I think about all the things I've said and how I answered some questions, I feel like how Terra looks on your current Avatar Misty. Which again, I apologize so deeply about all the stupid things I said. :( Still bugs me...
Yea well you kinda dominated me and Nick in the kh trivia tournament finals... (well you are a moderator so it is kinda your job to know that stuff while I'm just a normal high school boy who enjoys the game) which I made a complete idiot of myself for some of the thing's I've said in it and regret so badly... View attachment 37814
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. I totally knew they were talking only about Disney. I was uhhhh.... testing you. Right. And you passed! Congrats! *backs away slowly* View attachment 37801
In March and it's still averaging under 30 degrees...
They didn't have Twilight Town either. Probably cause it was used more as a gateway to TWTNW for Sora, yet Roxas's full story was there... So I don't know. View attachment 37799
Yes I agree. Kingdom Hearts 1 was definitely the hardest one of them all. Hated fighting Riku on Destiny Islands and in Hollow Bastion... View attachment 37795