Who knows..
Something bad happened? Oh well, we probly shouldn't talk about it then,
Who is Boris the Blade?
exsqueeze me? O.o
Yes, true. I now have a blood nose. MAN!
Oh. That's bad. ^^ I can't help you, La Sofa.
Yeah, I do.
What did Alice do to get banned?
OK, I'll be in Hoenn. ^_^ Mike walked down the path. He had been living and training in Sinnoh all his life, and now he had come to Hoenn to hone his skills. He could see Rustboro city in the distance, Mike began running, THEN A MASSIVE FLAMETHROWER HIT THE GROUND RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM!!!!^-^ He grabbed into his backpack, picked out a pokeball and opened it. Charizard flew out.. OOC: Hope i'm not going over the top or anything., I'm no good at roleplaying.
Can I join? Name: Mike Age: 14 Pokemon: Charizard, Empoleon, Electabuzz^-^, Magby, and a Grovyle. OOC: can I also start in Sinnoh?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVVEDDe9wPM Like that? scary maze v.2
some sort of bird. Seriously..
****. hullabalooza.
Hello~ I'm Electivire, and I like Kingdom Hearts and stuff!
I got 9!!!!!!!