You can joker anything. To do it there's a joker code on the front page.
The main reason you can't do that is roxas in his PJ's is identified as roxas, which is why it works like a model mod. Org. roxas is identified as, well, org. roxas. So basically, org. roxas isn't actually roxas.
I thought it's been done before, like blitz form.
I would love that :]. Actually, that's kinda becoming reality. 00Roxas00 is working on joint mods to change where the key attachment point is. :ff10sora:
Rewatch cutscenes? Is any way to watch a cutscene again? I want to use it for something.
The antifrom dummy keyblade is invisible, but it crashes the game. That's really the closest I know of to an invisible keyblade. EDIT: use xaldins lances and in the same code do mulan's neo-moveset. When I did, the game was fine and you couldn't see it.
Yes, but can someone plz tell me how to use the organization's weapons??
How do you use each Organization members weapons? And for Axels chakrams, I used the neo-moveset mod, but it still didn't work. Some codes just freeze when it works for others X| EDIT: I use Codebreaker
It would make them all allies. And I think you can attack allies if they're enemies.
In particular, I mean samurai nobodies. But no other enemies.
Is there a way to make one certain enemy an ally?