Actually, you're in the same twilight town, the items just disappeared though. You can't get them.
There should be one on the front page. I'll go check... EDIT: I don't know if there is one there. Someone might need to hack it some other time
I had that idea a while ago :|... Anyway, does someone have a code to do thousand heartless battle as riku at memorys skyscraper? I know it doesn't work if you warp to it but I can start a new game. So I will tell results if someone will plz give it to me!
Uh, I thought the final match was Terra vs. Winner 0_0
It might work, it might not. Spoiler 00340D77 00000062 10340D78 00006262 00340D7A 00000062 00340D7F 00000062 40340D80 00090001 62626262 00000000 00340DB3 00000062 20340DB4 62626262 10340DD2 00006262 10340DD4 00006262
Can someone plz give me a 1000 heartless battle relocation code to memory's skyscraper? And also a play as riku during 1000 heartless battle :D
Yes, that IS the proper final form moveset, but I recommend you try the one I posted first.
Sora looks like wisdom 51CB97B0 00000020 01CB96F0 00000000 Final moveset 01CB9736 00000005 The one you posted will probably have the same effect, but try this first Tell me if it works, and next time, plz use the front page :)
Yes, and I wasn't expecting that many. But the more the better! Thx!
I doubt it, and loading half the AI (if it was possible) would probably freeze.
He only changes the floor when you fight Xigbar whithout hacking. He might not even be the one doing that. And if Xigbar uses his DM anyone caught in it (like I was XD) is toast.
I am looking for a spritesheet of KHI Sora. Why? I want to try and make my own spritesheet by using it. It will NOT be used in public and if I want to I will first ask for permission. :D Edit: It got moved. I don't really think it belongs here, but I won't argue.
It works for NTSC ARMAX and almost everything on the front page (except for one custom form) is confirmed to work. So it should, and I have seen it used (but I never have myself)
I still vote Demyx :D
use the duel stance reaction command and Riku will then be hittable, but it's (what I call) "Partial DMA". Pretty much meaning Riku is reloaded as unhittable whenever you go into a different room. To clear it all up, use duel stance in every room you go into.
I would like that as well :D
Very nice! I might try to do that sometime... Whenever I do great art (Such as my comic series X]) its inspired by work like this. LOVE IT!
theres a joker you use ( by locking on and off constantly) to heal them. Keep using it until his health is full. And no, I don't have have the code. EDIT: Is there a way to make it so that there's only one nobody in where nothing gathers and make it an Org. Member (Preferably Xemnas 1)? Also I would like to have a 1000 heartless relocation to Memory's Skyscraper as Riku if it's possible. If anyone wants me to test codes I will do it.
I agree. It would be easier if there was someone helping him...
So you finished that "last form". I will test it, wondering what it will be (tommorow)