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  1. Jason1


    Hey, do you have any questions you want to ask me, to help clear up any confusion?
    Post by: Jason1, Aug 19, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Jason1
    You've done a great job writing this, and I love where it's going. I can already see a lot more that you can do with it, so please, don't stop, keep writing it :) I'm excited to see
    Post by: Jason1, Aug 18, 2012 in forum: Archives
  3. Jason1
    That's exactly what I had in mind :) Thanks man, I'll go ahead and use that idea in the forthcoming days
    Post by: Jason1, Aug 8, 2012 in forum: Archives
  4. Jason1
    I'll be writing much more about them and developing their characters as the days continue. The cutscene at the beginning of Kingdom Hearts II, where Kairi and Selphie exchange dialogue, was a large part of the inspiration to write this, so many of the things they say in that scene will be connected to some events of this story, and put into context. An example is the fact that they are wearing uniforms in that scene; this means they're attending school, so I'll explore the idea of this school, what they all do there, etc. Anything regarding their time outside the islands, I haven't decided whether I should go into greater detail, but there is the possibility of creating a relevant connection. From your perspective, would you like to see more of that?
    Post by: Jason1, Aug 8, 2012 in forum: Archives
  5. Jason1

    Hey man, thanks for the comment; the events of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories start at "Day 23" of 358/2 Days, so what I've written so far is what's taking place before Sora goes to Castle Oblivion, when he is on the way there with Donald and Goofy
    Post by: Jason1, Aug 8, 2012 in forum: Archives
  6. Jason1
    Hey, I’m always thinking about the events of the Kingdom Hearts storyline that are apart of the timeline, but weren’t played out. An example is what took place in Kairi’s life during the events of 358/2 Days. In this work, I wanted to explore the time when Kairi did remember Sora, before the events of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memoires, her enrollment in school with her friends, Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie, more development of those characters, the possibility of introducing a new character, how Kairi initially responded to losing her memories of Sora, and her interaction with Xion. I thought about whether this idea has already been used in a thread before; if it has, please feel free to let me know, so I can give acknowledgement. Thank you for reading :)

    Day 1

    A blinding light, a white haze; so powerful it’s too much for her blue eyes to bear. They are so tightly shut, she can’t see what’s happening, but she can feel an enfolding warmth; two arms wrapped tight around her small body. “This warmth, where have I felt this before?” It brings an assuaging, almost nostalgic feeling to her. Like the warm hug a grandma would give to her grandchild. But Kairi, this small, charming, little girl, doesn’t remember having any family members, any place of birth, only the waves crashing against the shore of an island, an island that is her only place to call home. “Kairi…thank you...” this warm, familiar voice says. As the light fades, she is able to slowly open her eyes. She looks up at the boy who thanks her, the one who holds her so dearly. She knows exactly who this boy is. He’s the one who found her lying on the shore the day she arrived on that island. Who talked her though her confusion. Who helped her in every way he could. Who became one of her best friends. Who played with her nearly everyday. Who carved drawings with her on the walls of a small cave they called “The Secret Place”. Who searched worlds of the known universe in order to find her after she was lost. Who sacrificed his own life in order to restore her heart, and who she thought could maybe be the one she was destined to spend the rest of her life with, together as one, but could never tell if he felt the same way. “Sora!” she called out.


    Day 9: The Secret Place

    “Sora!” Kairi jolted upward in her bed. Her eyes felt tired; she wasn’t able to go to bed until very late in the night. Suddenly, all the memories of what took place the night before rushed back into her head. She sees Sora, slowly shrinking into the horizon, stars erupting out into the black sky, from the light that surrounds him. She can’t make out what he’s saying, but she sees the smile on his face, that same reassuring smile he always gives her, and she knows in her heart that everything will be alright. She turned, laying a hand on her window, looking out upon the hills, the houses, the surrounding waters, and the island. The morning light was shining right through the trees that tower the small bit of land, glistening, creating a halo. “Sora…” she said slowly.


    After docking her boat, she jumped out onto the small wooden pier, walking down the stretch of sand that curved around the island. She could hear birds chirping, flying above her head. She saw the small cave next to the waterfall. “The Secret Place”. She ducked her head, walking through the hole that served as an entrance. She stopped to look at the entire cave, resting a hand on the wall made of rocks next to her. As she made her way inside, she notices the rays of light, shining down from a hole in roof of the cave. She smiled; the light always brought her a welcoming feeling. She slowly walked around the cave, scanning all the drawings she and her friends have made; her left hand grasping her right wrist behind her back. She laid a hand on one of the drawings, scraping it across the wall as she moved along. Her hand stopped on the drawing of some hair. With wonder, she looked closely at the entire drawing. She saw a drawing of Sora, and herself, facing one another. She remembered drawing this when she was very young. But something was different. A new drawing she had never seen before; an arm stretched out from the drawing of Sora, towards the drawing of herself. In his hand was a paopu fruit, the fruit that is said to intertwine two people’s destinies together if it’s shared, to make them one, two halves of the same whole. This feeling, this overwhelming, colossal feeling rushed through her body, a feeling she had only tasted, at moments throughout her life, but now were made true and pure. She had always wondered, but now, she knew for certain. Sora loved her, just as much as she loved him.


    I want to give proper recognition; the line that says "Sora loved her, just as much as she loved him." was inspired by a comment I saw on a youtube video called "Sora x Kairi hints part 2". The user's name is KHKHLOLZ234, and he or she wrote, "She loves him as much as he loves her."

    Day 10: Ice Cream

    “Kairi!” Selphie called out. Kairi was staring at the island, from the shore of her homeland. She didn’t even hear her. Only one person was on her mind. Selphie ran over to her, stopping right beside her, hands on her knees, panting for air. “Kairi (breath) we thought we lost you again!”.

    “Oh-I’m..I’m sorry” Kairi said. She turned to face Selphie

    “It’s okay. It’s just-you really had us worried. I mean, all of us disappearing for that whole time and not
    seeing each other. We thought it was happening again.”

    “What did happen to you all that whole time?”

    “Well, I was separated from Tidus and Wakka at first, until they found a way to reach me! They were on
    a world called Spira. Then, they came to the world I was on, Balamb Garden. After some time, we all
    suddenly came back here, our original home.

    “I see…” Kairi said, looking back at the island.

    “Kairi?” .


    “Where’s Sora and Riku?”

    All the memories of what had happened suddenly rushed back into her head. She lowered her head, and
    stares down at the sand.


    She couldn’t contain the sadness she felt. She knew Sora and Riku were out there, somewhere in the
    wide expanse of starts that make up the sky. But she had no idea where. A tear slowly ran down her


    Kairi wiped the tear from her face, and turned to look at Selphie. “Sora and Riku are far away. They
    have a lot do before they can come back; but we’ll see them again, one day,”

    “Sure! Of course we will.”

    Kairi looked back down again. Selphie could sense Kairi’s sadness. She leaned in, and laid a hand on
    Kairi’s shoulder. Kairi looked back up at her.

    “Hey! Follow me into town, there’s something I wanna show you!” Selphie said. Kairi nodded with a
    smile, and then, the two ran up the trail that extends into town. They made it to a small plaza, where
    some small stands and shops surrounded.

    “Wait here, I’ll be right back!” Selphie said.

    “’Kay,” Kairi said with a nod.

    Kairi looked around the plaza. She never took much time to notice all its small details. It was so
    peaceful and tranquil, not as busy as Traverse Town. Suddenly, the memories of her time at Traverse
    Town came rushing into her head.


    “Come on Sora. We made it this far by sticking together. You can’t go alone.”

    “Kairi, even if we’re apart, we’re not alone anymore. Right?”

    “I can’t help?”

    “You’d kind of be in my way.”

    “(chuckle) Okay. You win.”

    -flashback ends-


    “Oh?” Kairi opened her eyes, turning around to see Selphie, with two blue ice cream bars in each of her
    hands. Tidus and Wakka are standing on either side of her. Tidus was holding the same red stick he’s
    had for years, and Wakka was holding the blitzball he was always playing with.

    “Hey guys,” Kairi said.

    “Hey Kairi!” they both said. Selphie handed them both an ice cream bar, and then one to Kairi.

    “What’s this?” Kairi asked.

    “It’s the best tasting ice cream I’ve ever had! It’s called sea-salt ice cream.”

    “Oh…thank you,” Kairi said with a smile, taking the ice cream. “Is this what you wanted to show me?”

    “No, no! There’s a spot right on top of the hill above town I just found. When the sun sets, you can see
    the most beautiful landscape!”

    “Okay, let’s go!” Kairi said. They all turned, heading towards the hill. When they reached the top,
    they turned to face the sun, then took a seat on the grassy hill. Sundown was approaching, and the
    streaks of orange light were shining out on the entire land. They reflected off the water, sparkling on
    the small waves that crashed upon the shore. She saw the island again, the rays of light shining right
    through its trees, making a halo. Tidus, Wakka, and Selphie were all taking to each other, but Kairi paid
    no attention to anything they were saying.

    “Salty…but sweet, I like it!” Tidus said.

    “Yah man, dis is really great!” Wakka said.

    “Hehe-I knew you guys would like it!” Selphie said.

    Kairi kept staring right at the island, and the light that shined through its trees. She began to feel that
    same warmth she felt in Sora’s arms. She closed her eyes, as a light breeze ran through her hair.




    “Kairi! Remember what you said before, I’m always with you too. I’ll come back to you, I promise!”

    “I know you will!”

    -flashback ends-

    “Ey Kairi-your ice cream’s melting,” Wakka said. Kairi openend her eyes and looked down at her ice
    cream. “Oh!” She licked off the part that was beginning to melt, and took a bite out of it. “Mmm, this
    is really good!”

    “Yeah! Hey, you know, since it’s summer, and school doesn’t start for another three weeks, I think we
    should do this every sunset. We could all buy ourselves ice cream, and eat it together on this hill,”
    Selphie said.

    “Yeah! Let’s do it,” Tidus said.

    “Alright, then it’s settled. For the rest of the summer, we’ll come here and eat ice cream,” Selphie

    Kairi was still looking out at the island, but she could hear what they were saying. She took another bite
    out of her ice cream.

    “Don’t ever forget. Wherever you go, I’m always with you…” Kairi thought to herself.


    Day 12: Unfamiliar Face

    “C’mon Wakka! Is that all you got?!”

    “Haha, show me yo’ stuff!”

    Tidus and Wakka were running back and forth on the blitzball field, right outside the school ground.
    Kairi was walking down the parallel road by herself, her left hand grasping her right wrist behind her
    back. When she noticed the two, she stopped to watch, smiling as she leaned on the fence that
    surrounded the field. Tidus kicked the blitzball towards the end of the field. “Haha!”. Quickly, Wakka
    ran across the end, leaping over to intercept the ball. He dove into the ground with a roll.

    “Haha, almost got it in dat time!” He said. The two stopped, walking towards the center of the field.

    “Nice one Wakka,” Tidus said with a smile.

    “You too brudda”

    Kairi smiled at the sight. She never spent much time watching Tidus and Wakka play blitzball, but after
    such a long time, she appreciated something as subtle as this. She looked over again, and noticed something on the other side of field. There was a man, leaning against a tree, staring down at the ground with his arms crossed. He was wearing a red cloak and mantle, over black underclothes. He looked very tall, and had on a red bandana, over long black hair. From far away, Kairi couldn’t see his face very well, but noticed a golden gauntlet on his left arm. “Huh?” she said. She’d never seen this man before. “Maybe a new-comer to the island?” she thought.


    “Oh?” Kairi turned around to see Selphie. “Hey! Do you wanna head out to the island today?” she said.

    “The island…” Kairi said to herself. She turned around to looks towards it. She wanted to spend time
    with her friends, but going out to the island reminded her of Sora and Riku; and how much she missed
    them. At first, she was reluctant, and hesitated. But she dropped those feelings; she knew it would be
    all right.

    “Okay!” she said with a smile.

    “Great!” Selphie said with a smile. “I’ll meet you at the shore in a little bit.”

    “”Kay,” The two went opposite ways. As Kairi began walking, she looked over at the field again. Tidus
    and Wakka were gone, and so was the man. “I wonder who that was,” Kairi said to herself.

    On the island, Kairi and Selphie were sitting on the sand, watching Tidus and Wakka play in the water. They both giggled. “Those two are something
    else,” Selphie said.

    “Haha, yeah” Kairi said. She looked at them again, but she didn’t see Tidus and Wakka. Instead, she saw Sora and Riku; playing like they always do. Always competing with one another. They were fighting, wooden swords in hand, laughing at the same time.

    “C’mon Sora, I thought you were stronger than that!” Riku said.

    Get real! Look which one of us in winning!” Sora said with a grin. They both laugh, and Kairi giggled to
    her self.


    “Huh?” Kairi looked over at Selphie, then back at the water. She saw Tidus and Wakka once again.

    “Kairi, do you think we’ll always get to do this?”

    “You mean come here?”


    “Hmm…well, think about all the fun we’ve had, Selphie! All the good times…as long as we don’t forget
    those…then we’ll always get to relive the things we’ve done here.”

    “Hehe…yeah, you’re right! It’s the memories that keep us together,”

    Kairi smiled, and looked out at the water. The afternoon was entering its latter time, and the rays of light began to shine even bolder, making a more apparent reflection on the water. She listened to the sound of the waves crashing on the shore. “The memories…” she thought to herself. She could never forget all the memories she made with Sora and Riku, all the memories that were so deep within her heart, never.

    -Epilogue: Day 24-

    “Along the road ahead lies something you need. However-in order to claim it…you must lose something that is dear to you…”

    “Huh? What does that mean?” Sora said to himself.


    Day 14: Familiar Face

    Kairi woke feeling refreshed, and full of energy. She leaned up in her bed, and looked out the window. She saw the island, and smiled. She threw back the covers, and rushed out of her room.

    After docking her boat, she took a few steps forward and looked around. She noticed the small waterfall, and “The Secret Place” behind it. She hopped down, and ran over to it. When she made it inside, she looked around again, like she did the morning after coming back to the island. She saw the carving of her and Sora giving each other the papou fruit, and placed a hand on it. She smiled and let out a sigh. She looked to her left, and then up at the door, the one with no lock, no knob, just a wooden surface. She stared at it, taking more time to observe it then she had before. In an instant, she began to feel uneasy, and fell to her knees. “Uh..err…” She was squinting her eyes, as she grabbed the side of her head. There was a sharp, intense pain growing inside it, but she had no idea why. She closed her eyes completely, and saw something she had never seen before.

    -Flashback: Day 1-


    She recognized Sora’s voice. She was seeing everything in first-person, but she couldn’t control her movements. She was staring at the wooden door, then, she began to turn.

    “Sora…” she heard herself say. She saw Sora, staring back at her, looking confused and worried. She began to slowly reach out her hand, but a strong force swept her off her feet, sending her flying towards Sora. Sora opened his arms to catch her, but right as they were about to collide, her vision went black.

    -flashback ends-

    Kairi couldn't see anything; just a never-ending darkness all around her. "Where am I?" she thought to herself. It was like she was going blind, but no, she could see herself. She turned around, and saw a small speck of light in the distance. She could barely make out what it was; it took a while for her to fully focus in on it. She was able to make out the shape of a person, a girl, in a small, white dress. The girl seemed to be moving; turning around. She looked closer, and saw a head of blonde hair, and two blue eyes, looking back at her. They looked just like her own.


    “Kairi!...Kairi! Kairi-wake up!!

    “Huh…?” Kairi said slowly. She began to open her eyes, and her blurred vision began to clear. She saw Selphie, Tidus, and Wakka all staring down at her.

    “Ey-she’s awake!” Wakka said.

    Kairi sat up, and rubbed her eyes. Selphie was hanging on to her arm. “Are you okay?!” she said.

    “Uhh…yeah, yeah. I don’t know what happened”

    “We went all around the island looking for you! When we came here, we found you lying on the floor.” Tidus said.

    “Oh…I guess I must’ve fallen asleep then”

    “Really? You must be tired then…want us to walk you back home?” Selphie said.

    “Sure…thanks you guys” Kairi said with an uneasy smile. She slowly stood up, wobbling as she found her balance. They all started walking back out. When it was Kairi’s turn to climb out the exit, she turned around, and took another look at the door. “What was all that?” she thought to herself.

    -Epilogue: Day 23-

    A white, empty room; calm and tranquil, with just the slightest bit of sound. There’s a small cage in one corner, resembling that for a bird, and a small doll inside of it. It’s a blonde girl, in a white dress, smiling, sitting peacefully in her entrapment. All you can hear is the faint scribbling of a pencil on a notepad. This sound is coming from a small girl, who looks just like the doll, sitting in a chair alone, happily drawing away. She brushes the drawing off with her hand, and sets it down on the table in front of her. It’s of a large castle.

    “So, did you call for him?” a man’s voice says from across the room.

    “Yes..” the girl says. “But he’ll only come…if he can find the road that leads to it…”

    There is a moment of silence, as the man thinks through what the girl said.

    “Then I will set him on that road…”

    A red flower petal slowly makes it way downwards; swaying left, and right, until it eventually meets the ground.



    Day 26 PREVIEW

    "Yeah I heard some other kids talking about him too! They say he wears a golden gauntlet on his arm!" Tidus says. Kairi looks back up with surprise when she hears him say that.

    "What? That's crazy" Waka said as he takes another bite.

    "I wonder what he's doing on the islands doesn't sound like he's from around here," Selphie said
    Thread by: Jason1, Aug 8, 2012, 27 replies, in forum: Archives
  7. Jason1
  8. Jason1
  9. Jason1


    Träumen (Inspired by "Inception")

    View attachment 32932 View attachment 32933

    'Character Signup' Thread:


    A group of dream extractors have just finished a job with Gute Nacht, one of the largest media conglomerates in the world, who hold about 20.8% of Europe's market share. Their job was to steal Gute Nacht's main competitor, Neuer Tag's marketing plan for Fall 2084. The team entered the subconscious of Baldric, CEO of Neuer Tag, and the job was successful; all plans were collected for Gute Nacht. But while the team was in Baldric's dream, they saw something that caught the attention of their leader, Ken. (Ken is the one in the picture above)

    View attachment 32950

    He saw a vision in the middle of the job, of two kids running through a forest, who run out to a field of grass, and sit down to talk. One say's to the other: "Eine zu herrschen über den Rest", which translates to English as: "One to rule over the rest".

    "What does that mean?" Ken thinks to himself. He's the only one who paid any attention to it. After the information is collected, the team exits, and waits at their destination spot, the edge of a small lake. It is there that Ken sees another vision, but one that comes from his childhood.

    View attachment 32949

    Ken as a child is sitting down in front of the lake, watching the waters sit still. A teenager walks up to the lake, and stands next to him. He stares at the lake, with no emotion on his face. "This life would be so much easier, if no one got in my way," he says. He turns and walks away, never once looking down at small Ken. Ken immediately makes the connection! The teenager is the kid who spoke in the other vision! Ken looks, at the teenager's face again, and sees that it is Ivon, CEO of Gute Nacht! And after realizing it was Ivon, he recognizes that the other child in the first vision is Baldric, CEO of Neuer Tag!


    Days after the job, a man knocks on the door of Ken's house. Ken opens it, to find out it's Baldric. Ken is surprised, but acts as if he doesn't know who the man is. "Hi, can I help you?"
    "I know who you are, and I know you've performed extraction on my mind," Baldric says. Ken makes a face of confusion and says, "Excuse me?!"
    "Let's make this easy Ken, because I have a lot to tell you, and we don't have a lot of time."

    Ken eventually stops the act, and Baldric goes on to tell him that he's known who Ken was for a long time, and that he was always a part of a reoccurring dream, of a boy looking out unto a lake, with a teenager standing next to him. Baldric goes on to explain how it's because of that connection, that Baldric knew of the extraction, but did not make any effort to stop it. Baldric had been waiting to meet Ken for all this time, and has been looking for a dream extractor as well. The coincidence in this is the undeniable hands of fate. Baldric explains that Ivon is planning to not only buy out a list of other media outlets, but create a propaganda machine. Ivon has been spending years negotiating with corrupted politicians, with the intent of capturing domination outside the law's reach. Baldric explains to Ken that their is only one apparent practical way of stopping Ken.

    "We need you and your team to perform inception," Baldric says.

    Extraction could not work because their is no way of proving the information is from Ivon. The only way is to change his mind.

    "My grandfather, Arthur, told me the story of how he worked alongside a man named Mr. Cobb, who was the only known dream extractor to perform inception on a third-level dream. That is what I need you and your team to do, Ken. It's the only way it'll work."



    Thread by: Jason1, Aug 7, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Jason1
    View attachment 32934 View attachment 32935

    Main Thread:


    A group of dream extractors have just finished a job with Gute Nacht, one of the largest media conglomerates in the world, who hold about 20.8% of Europe's market share. Their job was to steal Gute Nacht's main competitor, Neuer Tag's marketing plan for Fall 2084. The team entered the subconscious of Baldric, CEO of Neuer Tag, and the job was successful; all plans were collected for Gute Nacht. But while the team was in Baldric's dream, they saw something that caught the attention of their leader, Ken. (Ken is the one in the picture above)

    View attachment 32936

    He saw a vision in the middle of the job, of two kids running through a forest, who run out to a field of grass, and sit down to talk. One say's to the other: "Eine zu herrschen über den Rest", which translates to English as: "One to rule over the rest".

    "What does that mean?" Ken thinks to himself. He's the only one who paid any attention to it. After the information is collected, the team exits, and waits at their destination spot, the edge of a small lake. It is there that Ken sees another vision, but one that comes from his childhood.

    View attachment 32937

    Ken as a child is sitting down in front of the lake, watching the waters sit still. A teenager walks up to the lake, and stands next to him. He stares at the lake, with no emotion on his face. "This life would be so much easier, if no one got in my way," he says. He turns and walks away, never once looking down at small Ken. Ken immediately makes the connection! The teenager is the kid who spoke in the other vision! Ken looks, at the teenager's face again, and sees that it is Ivon, CEO of Gute Nacht! And after realizing it was Ivon, he recognizes that the other child in the first vision is Baldric, CEO of Neuer Tag!


    Days after the job, a man knocks on the door of Ken's house. Ken opens it, to find out it's Baldric. Ken is surprised, but acts as if he doesn't know who the man is. "Hi, can I help you?"
    "I know who you are, and I know you've performed extraction on my mind," Baldric says. Ken makes a face of confusion and says, "Excuse me?!"
    "Let's make this easy Ken, because I have a lot to tell you, and we don't have a lot of time."

    Ken eventually stops the act, and Baldric goes on to tell him that he's known who Ken was for a long time, and that he was always a part of a reoccurring dream, of a boy looking out unto a lake, with a teenager standing next to him. Baldric goes on to explain how it's because of that connection, that Baldric knew of the extraction, but did not make any effort to stop it. Baldric had been waiting to meet Ken for all this time, but has been looking for a dream extractor as well. The coincidence in this is the undeniable hands of fate. Baldric explains that Ivon is planning to not only buy out a list of other media outlets, but then utilize his control to create a propaganda machine. Ivon has been spending years negotiating with corrupted politicians, with the intent of capturing domination outside the law's reach. Baldric explains to Ken that there is only one apparent practical way of stopping Ken.

    "We need you and your team to perform inception," Baldric says.

    Extraction could not work because their is no way of proving the information is from Ivon. The only way is to change his mind.

    "My grandfather, Arthur, told me the story of how he worked alongside a man named Mr. Cobb, who was the only known dream extractor to perform inception on a third-level dream. That is what I need you and your team to do, Ken. It's the only way it'll work."




    Ken: Jason1
    View attachment 32938
    Role: Team Leader
    General Personality: Passionate, ambitious, and motivated in the task ahead. He has always known he had a part to play in something much bigger, and now he sees what it is

    Role: Representative of Neuer Tag

    Ivon: Jason1
    View attachment 32939
    Role: Target
    Personality: Enslaved by greed, he lacks kindness and is conniving to rule a newly formed propaganda machine

    View attachment 32940
    Role: Forger, she has the ability to create false appearances

    Role: Architect

    Role: Chemist

    Hey, thank you for reading! The character list is not mandatory, and I'm very interested in seeing if anyone would like to make a change. If you have a suggestion, feel free to let me know, I'd love to collaborate with the ideas of others.

    A side note: I just joined, and so if I'm missing anything or doing something wrong, please feel free to let me know, and I'll edit it, thank you again!
    Thread by: Jason1, Aug 7, 2012, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Jason1
  12. Jason1
    Haha! Sounds good, if some others reply as well, I'll begin writing. Thanks man
    Post by: Jason1, Aug 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Jason1
    Interest Inquiry: RP a group of dream extractors (Inspired from the movie Inception)

    EDIT: I made a thread based on this idea, here is the 'character signup thread':

    Hey, I'd like to see if anyone would be interested in an RP surrounding a group of dream extractors, just like the ones in the movie 'Inception'. The only elements of the story I have set are the fact that it surrounds one group, and a corporation, Gute Nacht Medikation, that they are involved with at the start of the story, but anything after the start is completely free for your imagination. For example, the group could work with another corporation, stay with Gute Nacht Medikation, or even work with no corporation at all, all of that is up to you. I'm real interested in seeing where it could be taken.

    I know that there's a great deal of realism when the characters are awake, but that all changes once they begin dreaming, from then on, nothing gets in the way of creativity! There could be defiance of the laws of physics, 'Final Fantasy' and 'Kingdom Hearts' style battles, creation of different creatures, traveling to galaxies beyond our own, and so on and so forth. All of that is solely up to you. If there are people who'd like to join this idea, I'll create a 'signup thread', where I'll write a synopsis and a very general, basic structure for the group and the corporation, then post a link here. The group and corporation would all be made up of OCs, but beyond that, appearances by characters we might know is, once again, up to you. Thank you for reading :)

    A side note: I just joined, and so if I'm missing anything or doing something wrong, please feel free to let me know, and I'll edit it, thank you again!

    View attachment 32890
    "Did your really think I'd put your lives over the assets of Gute Nacht Medikation?"

    View attachment 32891
    "Come on! I know we still have this one!"

    View attachment 32892
    "Im done with this, it's time to wake up Ken"

    View attachment 32895
    "This place seems so...familiar"


    Hypothetical Cover Photos, with a possible title: Träumen
    View attachment 32893
    View attachment 32894
    Thread by: Jason1, Aug 5, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: Retirement Home