You can play japanese games on your PS2 via Swap Magic. But now back to my question: Can I save on my Memory Card or must I buy a japanese one?
Okay, final question: Do I need a japanese Memory Card to Save my game? Or can I save it on my (german) MC? EDIT: Damn, double post. Sorry. X_X
My top favourite are: LUXORDS CARDS XD I really like how he uses them. And with our 5 favourite cards he can summon EXODIA. XD JK
Well, let´s see: Sephiroth vs normal Xemnas: If Xemnas uses the Drain Move, Sephiroth would do the same as Sora and Sephiroth would easily win the duel. If Xenmas uses Guard it would be like this. Xemnas: GUARD! Sephiroth: *teleports behind Xemnas* Xemnas: WTF?!? *gets hit by Sephiroth* So yeah, also not a problem for Sephiroth. As for the light sabers, Sephiroth would either teleport, or use Meteor or Heartless Angel. Xemnas could avoid the Meteors by using Guard or the Instant Movement. But Xemnas can´t jump, so Heartless Angel would get him. Easy win for Sephy. But now Sephiroth vs final form Xemnas: This would be an interesting battle. Both can teleport so most of the attacks wouldn´t hit. As for "Can you spare a heart?": Yes, this is a devastating attack, but what if Xemnas doesn´t have an opportunity to use it? If you´re a very good player, you can avoid this move and so can Sephiroth. Same for Heartless Angel. I would say a tie here.
Actually Demyx. He seemed so shy and he didn´t want to fight. But as you can see in Final Mix, Xemnas forced him. If Demyx had refused, he would have died way sooner. I really admired him, that he found the courage to fight. Sadly, Sora killed him despite his courage. That was really unfair and a bit cruel in my opinion. Also, Siax (actually Saix, but Siax is a better name in my opinion), after he was defeated. "Kingdom Hearts, where is my heart?" *dies* I mean, really. Who couldn´t feel sorry for him after that? He wanted a heart, he wanted to be a real life being. Even Sora seemed sad after that. Awesome Sprite Flash Movies, you gonna love it (I hope). :laughing-smiley-004
Darn... X_X Well, does Action Replay v2 work then? Or better: What do you use to make it run on your PS2?
But I heard ARMAX can run Import Games. Isn´t it true? ;_;
Great, I thought my ARMAX would be enough. Seems, that I was wrong. X_X
Sorry, if this topic is pointless. But I want to buy Final Mix. The problem is: How can I run it? I have a german PS2 and Final Mix is (as you all know) a japanese game. I have an ARMAX. But I´m not sure whether it can run japanese games. Can someone help me? :(
Oh, teh randomness... I love the randomness. =D I hope you will do my request soon. You know, the Ground Shaker boss fight with Sephiroth. ;)
Yeah, the germans even changed the voices into german ones. But fortunately not in every game. Games like Sonic, Mario or Starfox still have english voices. Anyway, if you want to hear Sephiroth´s german voice:
Never mind, all my drive forms are now at max level. Well, is there a code to change the german voices into the english ones? Yes, I´m from Germany and I want the english voices. Sephiroth´s german voice sounds so horrible. >.<
Really? Not by defeating enemies? O_O I´m so stupid. >.<
Nope they don´t. ;_; I already beat hundreds of enemies with Master Form, but it still has the same experience.
That´s the problem: I already used the Quick Level Up Code. I didn´t expect to level up to 99 with one hit. But the code didn´t level up the Drive forms. Now that I´m level 99, I can´t get experience anymore, that means no level up for Drive forms.
Sorry, I don´t want to read the whole topic. Can someone give me a code for Max leveled Drive forms? Oh, and it must be compatible with the mastercode in the first post.