hey dont mean to dis you but these are the codes that come with the codebreaker v10.0 i was sorta looking for some NEW codes because most of the codes on the codebreaker are useless as in they do almost nothing
Hey do you guys think that you can hook me up with some codes for Transworld surf NTSC/UC for Codebreaker v.10?? 1. Unlock silver surfer 2. ALL characters have ALL goals, comps and levels complete 3. Anything else that does not come on a Codebreaker Thanks!!!!!
COOL!!!! thanks for the help also im just wondering i think i may have found a way to fix a T stance is it possible to make a code that will spawn an enemy when you T-stance???? or can you joker a code to make donald or goofy into an enemy(such as a neoshadow)????? that way you can have a surefire way to fix a T-stance when testing code so you dont have to restart the game OVER AND OVER AGAIN?!?!?!?!
hey does anybody know of these codes?? 1. anti with reaction commands 2. final xemnas as ally 3. has anybody found the code to play as a boss??? 4. a way to make wisdom have floating keyblades(I've seen a video) 5. play as hooded mickey 6. play as regular mickey hope its not too much too ask for!!!!
ji im codebreakeronly1234 hows it goin
yeah i had that problem too i have found multiple ways to get antifinal but NONE of them seem to work, although i do have one more that iwantedtoexplode PMed me and i havent tested that yet. so i will try that and if it works i will post it in this topic so that you guys can test it a well!! and more thing, at first i had the codes for the party members not dissapearing ect.during a drive, so i thought it was THOSE that were faulty, so i tested them again and they worked fine visa versa. so i know that the code im using to get antifaina is the code for FM+!!!so i was wondering if there is a code for the american version????
thats AWESOME do you know the code??
yes, for instance if you replaced the kingdom key with WTTD WTTD would have +3 str +3 mag so on So yes thats how it works However the Way to the dawn keyblade is only an object so therefore id does no damage Exept for magic. actually the game dosent even register you hit the enemy, there can be no combos or anything.....So its pretty much just for looks!
ok now that ive figured this out ill close, Lock, delete whatever you call it to this thread .........how do you do that??
I would say Xaldin on proud..
hey man you rock and your codes KILL. keep it comin
if you live in america and look on the back of your PS2, you should find somewhere the letters NTSC U/C witch is like the code for North america it also applies to d.v.d' s , games and electronics. while japan and europe have different "codes". hope that helps
well thats very informative. i did the BIOS thing for my dreamcast emulator. but i didnt know that you had to do that for the PS2 one... so i tryed it but it said the same thing as it did before.........X( i think its mainly because i have a MAC and not a pc.... oh welll
Hey does any bode know the code... does anybody know the NTSC U/C code for making it so anti-form has final-form's moveset?? you know like the crazy insanely uber one???
ahhhh i see well thats very interesting i could get GBA,Super Nintendo,DS,Dreamcast, and much more to work andd play games. so i doubt my computer is crap. but its probably what you said, its just not up to par. thanks. i thought i was doing it wrong.
Ummmm i got no idea i just know that i have a PowerBook G4 aaaannnnnd thats all i know but i did look into the actual problem and it says "This Program Cannot Be Run In DOS Mode" WTF?!?!?!?!
Okay i downloaded a ps2 emulator and every time i open it it says ERROR: System Requirement Match Not Found and then its some long string of what is presume to be a program code type thing, its like
but you cant blame HIM its nomuras fault that he didnt think of sora crying late at night cuz he missed his mommy and daddy i dont think he's a jerk purely becuse he sacrificed his memories so he could find a way to get back to riku and kiari he also went through ALOT of fighting he didnt have to enter castle oblivion
yeah i think we still cannot say for shure that we know what it is we have really only played three games about kh so we should wait till there is a game going more in depth about the states of "energy" in the kingdom hearts universe