Dont be sad!
Ah, i know the feeling.
Well hi there! How you doin?
!!! wait does taht mean its only coming out for DSi?!?!?!?! if so.... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!
hey I have a quuestion i really like to test codes and there is only one problem i have T-STANCE!!!! aghhhh! so i was thinking can you make a code that activates when you go t stance, so that enimies spawn or a RC activates??? or, could you make it so that before you test a code you can joker donald or goofy into a neo shadow or dusk or somthin so that when you T stance they hit you and you can get out of it?? one more thing! i dont know of this is possible i know you can make it so that when you cast fire you do the ice or thunder movement. and i also know that T-stance is because of lack of the nessecary animations could you make it so that you make an "RC" or joker that does a animation so you get out of your annying t stance?!?!?! sorry about all the questions if any of this is possible..........oh that would kick ***!!!! thanx
WOW. well thats cool cuz i just wanted to know. THANX!! can i close this now?
i think it would be cool to be a premium member. how do you become one?? do you have to donate? or request?? or is it based on your posts??? i have no clue. i just want to know because i see no pattern between all the premiums their all different.
--[Text on the sig]-Heroes....they come in a wide variety --[Font]-have heroes written in graffit,i and the rest in whatever you think will be a good font --[Sig Type]-just a normal sig --[Sig Description]-not too flashy but still make an impact --[Color(s)]-colors that match the pics --[Picture(s)]- *note: you can resize the pics if you want 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. --[Animation]-whatever you think will be cool --[OTHER]-have some random paint splatters and graffiti marks on the pic.
i know r4s are good flash cards but im concerned because there are fake r4s on the market that can blow your ds and waste your time and money so im asking for an outside opinion so i can make sure im getting the right thing
Im reading BRISINGR by christopher paoilini
thanx im really sorry but that was the only way i could figure out how too show the pic!! so its real?!?! when i get a reply i will ask to close the thread so i dont get anybody angry.
oh i see. well i dont want to get it for the new games i just want it for cool stuff like legend of zelda phantom hourglass and whatnot but the real reason is that my stupid computer is too slow to run a good game on a GBA emulator, let alone a Ds emulator so, yeah thats cool, but i still need to know if it's real or fake because i dont wanna screw myself over.
thats funny cuz i ordered it and its on its way cuz i got the tracking # and stuff why is it banned?!?!?! but still check in the pic place because the site is being mean and sayin its too big of a pic!!!
ok so i ordered this R4 of of a site it is 14.99 for a bundle thing with all the stuff you need but i looked aruond more and some of them are 50$ for just the R4 itself suspicious so i heard that some of them dont work and some even blow your ds master fuse!!! im preety confident that its real but i just wanna make sure!! so if anybody knows or can give me advice ive outlined some focal points that may or may reveal if its real or fake... ill post it in the art section since its too big to be attached look for "R4 Real or Fake' itll be gone from the forums as soon as i get ANY info so thanx!!!
ok ill close this thread now thanks guys it helped = (
HEY what the heck i had 2 rep someone sent me faulty codes that jacked up my save file in kh2 i posted a reply that they should work on testing their codes before they post them they give me some red rep with a comment that says "hey be more freindly no one has to help you" in i was trying to be helpful!!! and now it says that i have NEGATIVE THREE REP!!!!! not cool whats going on?!?!?!?! im not angry just really upset that i have NEGATIVE THREE REP!!!! can an admin tell me whats going on?? i want to know if its my fault! or are they in the wrong??
im playing a PS2 game on the PS3 i tested some more codes and some of them work like "play as roxas" and yes some of them work in the beginning and some work in the regular sora part. im wondering if i need a different master/enable code or i need a totally new set of codes.....or it just wont work anymore????
ok im freaking out! i got a ps3 i have kh2 ntsc/uc i have a code breaker i pick the codes i want to use and start up as regular but when i play none of the codes are active!!!! is there a different enable code/master code for the ps3??? will it even work on the ps3??!?!?!? HELP!!!!
yeah thats exactly what i thought! so i posted this thread to see if anybody had codes that didnt!! well thanks for the help im gonna wait a couple more days then close this. just in case anybody has some that i dont. it cant hurt!! you guys can close this thread now THANKS!!