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  1. codebreakeronly1234
    Profile Post

    ssure thing

    ssure thing
    Profile Post by codebreakeronly1234 for SA5UK3, Mar 8, 2009
  2. codebreakeronly1234
  3. codebreakeronly1234
    Profile Post

    SWEET! thanx!

    SWEET! thanx!
    Profile Post by codebreakeronly1234 for Johnny Bravo, Mar 8, 2009
  4. codebreakeronly1234
  5. codebreakeronly1234
  6. codebreakeronly1234
    Profile Post

    Ok you can e-mail em!

    Ok you can e-mail em!
    Profile Post by codebreakeronly1234 for SA5UK3, Mar 8, 2009
  7. codebreakeronly1234
  8. codebreakeronly1234
    Umm... How do they make the codes like the KIng of Hearts thing?
    where you just watch 2 bosses duke it out?
    It would be cool to play as Xemnas or Bemyx or somthin!
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Mar 8, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  9. codebreakeronly1234
  10. codebreakeronly1234
    Profile Post

    alright, thats cool

    alright, thats cool
    Status Update by codebreakeronly1234, Mar 7, 2009
  11. codebreakeronly1234
    Profile Post


    Profile Post by codebreakeronly1234 for cornteen, Mar 7, 2009
  12. codebreakeronly1234
  13. codebreakeronly1234
  14. codebreakeronly1234
    Profile Post

    waz up homeskillet?

    waz up homeskillet?
    Status Update by codebreakeronly1234, Mar 7, 2009
  15. codebreakeronly1234
    Profile Post

    Hi roxasrikusora

    Hi roxasrikusora
    Status Update by codebreakeronly1234, Feb 28, 2009
  16. codebreakeronly1234

    Oh! Oh! Oh! I KNOW!!!

    Its like when you "re-merge" a Heartless and a Nobody!

    And they come out as ZOMBIES!!!

    They Are "unborn" OOOOOooooOOOOOOoooo!!!!

    Nah, Im joking.

    I guess I'm gonna hafta wait!
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Feb 25, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. codebreakeronly1234


    What Flashcart do you have?

    I personally belive that Handhelds a lame if you have to pay 35$ for a game no bigger that your eye...

    Im not saying ANYTHING, but I "know a guy who knows a guy" that has a cycloDS, he says that he wouldnt buy a handheld if you couldnt play "backups" on them XD
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Feb 25, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  18. codebreakeronly1234
    OK, I hate my CodeBreaker!!

    I was messing around with the save transfer thingy /w USB.

    I was pressing some button... when WHAM!

    I got the message saying that it was reformatting my MEM32 card!!

    I thought it was NO BIG DEAL, sadly, when I reloaded the CB..... ALL OF MY KH2 CHEATS WERE GONE!!!


    So, my point Is, There IS a way to dump mass loads of cheat files onto the CB if the files have a .cbc extension.

    I tried to do it with my LegoSTW.... but when i went to device management.... the file didnt even show up!!

    Now im wondering if I can ACTUALLY compile all of the codes that I want into a .cbc file...

    How to I import them onto my Memory card?

    Can anybody help?
    Thread by: codebreakeronly1234, Feb 25, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Technology
  19. codebreakeronly1234
  20. codebreakeronly1234

    well i watched that video, and a couple of times i would pause it (you know when you first see all the keyblades) and i counted 7! thats right 7 fenrirs in one single snapshot, 3 bond of flames, 6 of those port royal ones, and alot of other reapeats, now i cant tell if THAT one is a fenrir because it has those long poles at the base of the blade. BUT i think, C'MON SQUARE!! YOU CAN DO BETTER THAN THAT!!!
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Jan 18, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX