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  1. codebreakeronly1234

    Its my first form and I was SOO proud that did what other people do!
    Mabey i should remove the ultima thingy from it.... Oh, which hand was normal? left or right?
    Im gonna work on it some more when I get home from school.
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Mar 31, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  2. codebreakeronly1234
    Dun dun dun duuuuunnn!!!

    Hey guys, I was messing around with some codes and tried this form.

    Can somebody test this for me? its my first one and im really exited.

    So far i have only been able to get it to work in TWTNW

    Soooo.... Here it is

    Gangsta Form

    51CB9810 00000020 <--- Valor looks like Master
    01CB9750 00000000
    01CB9796 00000005 <---- Final Moveset
    21CFBDEC 000000BC <-----Ninja Weild(Backwards Weild)
    10340B9C 0000077B <---- left hand ultima
    11CEF10C 0000077B <----Kingdom key is ultima(for those of you who dont have it)

    If it T stances or Freezes please give me a PM of EXACTLY what codes you had on and where you were in the game...

    If anybody sees a codeline that can be improved please tell me!

    Anywho... its my friggin bed time..... 2 hours ago...
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Mar 31, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  3. codebreakeronly1234
    Yeah, like make sora SO strong that he can kil... a berserker nobody in one hit... or one ot those tank things from Space Parionoids... THAT strong.
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Mar 30, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  4. codebreakeronly1234
    ummmm no, not really, unless you are thinking of some other keyblade... or i dont know what you mean. All i see on it is a heart that has a nobody-like edge to it.
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Mar 29, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  5. codebreakeronly1234
    I was wondering....

    Is it possible to have a tri, or quad weilding custom form? Even if the extra weopans dont do damage and are just dummys?

    Oh, and this: Does Anybody know of a code that make you have "1 hit kills"?
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Mar 29, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  6. codebreakeronly1234
    interesting.... it looks like he somehow attached the keyblade to his NOSE!

    Anywho.. Do you have the FM+ code? I can try to port it if you want.
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Mar 26, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  7. codebreakeronly1234
    I actually have no idea what the Neo stuff does...

    but here it is

    Dual Weild Antiform
    200F9000 10400005
    200F9004 944F004C
    200F9008 24010001
    200F900C 142F0002
    200F9010 240F0008
    200F9014 A44F004E
    200F9018 03E00008
    201D14F4 0803E400
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Mar 25, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  8. codebreakeronly1234
    No. As Far as I know it isnt 13 INDIVIDUAL blades, its one model that twists and turns..

    It MIGHT be possible to make every attack be that limit... but ti would be kinda lame.. or if somebody found the digits that work...

    Oh well... it would be über though!
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Mar 25, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  9. codebreakeronly1234
    unfortunately... no. =(

    but it looks cool when you run around!!!

    I didnt test it much... but i know that you can change worlds and do all teh normal things... For me it even let me do cutscenes!
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Mar 24, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  10. codebreakeronly1234
    I havent ported it... but the only code i use is this

    Play as Dual-Wielding Mickey
    11CFA3FC 00000318
    21CC346C 01000000
    21CC34B4 001C0001
    21CC34BC 09000000
    1033FEC0 00000029
    11CEF78C 00000769
    21CF0534 58455F57
    21CF0538 5F303130
    21CF053C 464C5442
    21CF0540 00004C5F
    21CFBDEC 005B009B

    and it works.. when you run he has two keyblades... but when you attack teh other one dissapears and you fight normal.

    Oh and yes THIS code works when sora dies and mickey saves him.
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Mar 24, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  11. codebreakeronly1234
    Thanks Apoligetix. Your the best.
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Mar 24, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  12. codebreakeronly1234
    Ok On the codetwink website there is a program that makes it. WINDOWS ONLY, i tried to run it on my mac with darwine.. its just not compatible.

    Here is the link(you have to register though)

    Ummm what else...

    You have to have a codebreaker v7 and up. not v10 it WONT WORK. and not v9.2, unless its the anti-modchip HDloader patched version.

    A sample code.

    "My Game Name" <--- put you game name in the quotes eg "Kh2"
    Enable Code <------ The name of your code
    $901516F8 00832021 <----------put a $sign in front of each line.
    Infinite Money <------code name
    $6026BA30 00001027 <-----See?
    $00010001 0001F44A <------ and again here because it is multilined
    !Character 1 Codes <------ The ! makes the line green like a divider
    Max/Infinite HP <------ same as normal
    $2026BA30 00000098
    Max/Infinite MP
    $2026BA34 00000063
    // 1 Total Games <------ Im not sure if this is neccesary or it is made when you build the file.

    If you have anything bigger than v7 place the upgrade in the usb, it wont show up, but it will load automatically.

    Oh! and a SLIM ps2 wont work because it uses a USB program that the CODEBREAKER wont recognise....

    if you use this make sure to include all of the codes you ALREADY have on your codebreaker, beacuse it will delete them and use only the ones on the USB. and if you upgrade again, place all the cheats you want to keep AND the new ones on teh USB, any cheats not included in teh file will be deleted
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Mar 24, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  13. codebreakeronly1234
    Hey guys im kinda confused....

    Is there a code for NORMAL KH2 that lets you use antiform with reaction commands...

    I used This one

    Antiform with reaction commands
    00340c8c 00000001
    E00230FF 0035B55C
    40340C9C 00130001
    10020108 00000000
    E002C0FF 0035B55C
    40340C9C 00130001
    10020100 00000000
    20340C90 0a090964

    But i have NO idea how to get to ot work... it doesnt look jorkerd so only tryied pressing buttons when entering a room a couple of times and i tried driving into a form and going to a different room.... NADA, nothing worked..

    Does anybody know a code to make antiform have reaction cammmand abilitys?

    and one more request....

    you know how people can "break" through the invisible "walls" and fly around?

    like they use a jokered reaction command like "skyscraper" to get "out"

    how do you do that?

    OH OH!

    and this too!

    is there a way to make antiform dual weild? or even just have one keyblade? that works as a weopan, not just attached?
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Mar 23, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  14. codebreakeronly1234

    I dont fully understand the "effect" thing.

    It says its the effect mod for drives, And that the lower the value you imput, the more effects will be there. The only problem is that i dont know the values. Is it like putting in 0001 or 1000? or is it the digits at the top, the ones that are like 55D4 or whatever???
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Mar 21, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  15. codebreakeronly1234
    Well, yeah, but in teh biggining when sora was in that weird stained-glass floored place(the one where you have to pick a weapon) Right before he battled Darkside.. It "came" out of him, like a shadow "twin" just solid black... then it grew exponentially untill it got all EVIL!!

    Mabey because his heart was so strong that little bit of darkness was "8x concentrated" like Gain Detergent, and had somehow manifested itself in his "dream" but it wasnt his "Heartless" per-se. It was just a "projection" of the darkness in his heart.

    Thats how I thought of it anyway.
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Mar 21, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  16. codebreakeronly1234

    You guys are going to dislike me for this.... but

    I searched teh forums and I couldnt find the codde that allows antiform to perform reaction commands.

    I saw a video on youtube where this guy goes final, then when he goes to another room he is in antiform and can do reaction commands.

    does anybody have this code for codebreaker?
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Mar 20, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  17. codebreakeronly1234
    Well, this is a tiny bit off topic... but it has to do with codes so I thought I would ask.

    Day1 files are the codes that you can put on your pendrive and do a mass dump so you don't have to enter them by hand... I saw a forum here that said that there is a program that makes the "Day1" aka .cbc files. But it only formats them to versions up to V9.93. :(

    Does anybody know of one that supports V10.0?

    Or can someone bust out some :action-smiley-057: skillz?
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Mar 10, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  18. codebreakeronly1234
    Hey i havent been able to find the code that lets antiform have reaction commands

    does anybody know what it is, and does it work good enough to battle a boss with?
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Mar 9, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  19. codebreakeronly1234
    Profile Post

    Hi new member!

    Hi new member!
    Profile Post by codebreakeronly1234 for Poero6500, Mar 8, 2009
  20. codebreakeronly1234
    Profile Post

    Hey it didnt work

    Hey it didnt work
    Profile Post by codebreakeronly1234 for SA5UK3, Mar 8, 2009