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  1. codebreakeronly1234
    Are you being sarcastic? cuz ill go ninja on you.

    I was wondering, is it possible to be like a "3rd person" during a cutsene?
    like walk around? cuz i can imagine roxas and sora battleing when all of the sudden riku walks by like, HI!!!! heeeeheehee! and runs off. anyway.
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Apr 7, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  2. codebreakeronly1234
    Hey guys, whats up?

    LOL i wouldent spam.... alot

    anyway, im taking a form request because i dont know what to make next.

    ATTENTION other PEOPLE. if somebody posts waht they want, PLEASE dont give them teh codes, im trying to boost my skillz and it doesnt help if they already have the form. 0.o
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Apr 7, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  3. codebreakeronly1234
    Thats ALOT like my form.

    check it,

    Blaze Form
    51CB9810 00000020 <--- Valor looks like Master
    01CB9750 00000000
    01CB9796 00000005 <---- Final Moveset
    21CFBDEC 000000BC <-----Ninja Weild(Backwards Weild)
    201A0568 10000006 <-----Instant MP Charge
    2037EB1C 34E00000 <-----More Electricity/effects on drive
    2037B3B0 34E00000 <----"Cool Drive"

    sept' you used different values for the effect mods! =) good job! thats a nice form.

    oh, and I made up the name "ninja" weild, but thats what it looks like RIGHT?!
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Apr 7, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  4. codebreakeronly1234
    Hey, can you PM me what you PM'ed the others? You know, for your form?

    I think im figuring out how to mod keyblade size. I tried one of my "test" codes to see if it worked today, and the ultima was almost the size of the Kingdom Key. Its a matter of changing a couple of digits in the size mod.
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Apr 6, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  5. codebreakeronly1234
    Yeah, thats the "Reflect" spell.
    This would be the code to have L1+O to be reflect.

    Circle In Shortcut Menu Is Reflect
    10340E60 0000028A

    For whoever is working on this code
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Apr 6, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  6. codebreakeronly1234
    Oh so this is waht you want:

    Antiform with Master Moveset
    Extra lightning effects
    A joker that makes him do some kind of move in Blitz form
    Weild Lion Heart and Oblivion
    Whatever else will make it cool

    Is that right?
    Here are some questions:

    What hand do you want Obliv. to be in? What About Lion H.?
    You are going to have to show me the move, if its possible to joker it I will.
    Do you want ALOT of extra effects? Or just a little bit more?
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Apr 6, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  7. codebreakeronly1234
    Ive only made 2 custom forms, but i would be Happy to! =)

    It wont be done till a LEAST wendsday tho... i have my CB and my AR at my freinds house =(

    you can PM me what you want for it to look like ect. or you can just post them here!!! Im not the best person to do this, but unlike others, i have ALOT of free time to just screw around and play games, ect.

    What kind of cheating device do you have?
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Apr 5, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  8. codebreakeronly1234
    DUDE!!! OMG!

    You are SUCH a talnented writer! This is more riviting than anything ive read!
    Keep up the good work man!
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Apr 5, 2009 in forum: Archives
  9. codebreakeronly1234
    yeah, but 95% of the time i cant figure out what codes to use. for example, usually when i set up a code all by myself it comes out WAAAYYY wrong and ends up BSOD or just doesnt have any affect. BUT when i ask for the codes it almost always works and i have no trouble. mabey im just crazy....
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Apr 5, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  10. codebreakeronly1234
    Is there anybody here that can make me day1 files? I will email you the cheat list and all of that stuff... if you could that would be GREAT!

    oh, and can somebody give me these codes?

    1.Keyblade size modifier(if possible)
    2.A code that lets makes goofy the FIRST xemnas(you know, with the black cloak on)
    3.a code that jokers L1+O to make you do the "facedown" recation command
    4. the "floating keyblade" code(cant seem to find it)

    Is there anybody here that can make me day1 files? I will email you the cheat list and all of that stuff... if you could that would be GREAT!

    oh, and can somebody give me these codes?

    1.Keyblade size modifier(if possible)
    2.A code that lets makes goofy the FIRST xemnas(you know, with the black cloak on)
    3.a code that jokers L1+O to make you do the "facedown" recation command
    4. the "floating keyblade" code(cant seem to find it)

    Is there anybody here that can make me day1 files? I will email you the cheat list and all of that stuff... if you could that would be GREAT!

    oh, and can somebody give me these codes?

    1.Keyblade size modifier(if possible)
    2.A code that lets makes goofy the FIRST xemnas(you know, with the black cloak on)
    3.a code that jokers L1+O to make you do the "facedown" recation command
    4. the "floating keyblade" code(cant seem to find it)
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Apr 5, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  11. codebreakeronly1234
    LOL! Well mabey some people can put together a new section on the front page! it would probably take a LONG time for one person to go through ALL of them... but with a group of coders it would go alot quicker!

    AND it would totally revoulutionize "custom forming" becuaus people could make a quad weilding form.... like the Samurai Nobodys! OH! OH! YOU COULD EVEN MAKE YOUR OWN KEYBLADES!!! like a double bladed ultima!!

    Anyway.... TOTALLY COOL to know that its possible!

    and ONE MORE thing, will the keyblade do damage? of not it will still be cool!
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Apr 4, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  12. codebreakeronly1234
    lol! i can imagine somebody putting in the wrong digits and end up having keybaldes attached to his elbows or somthin! XD
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Apr 4, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  13. codebreakeronly1234
    Profile Post

    oh hold on... \

    oh hold on... \
    Profile Post by codebreakeronly1234 for cornteen, Apr 4, 2009
  14. codebreakeronly1234
  15. codebreakeronly1234
    yeah, i saw that when i use the backward weild(i call it ninja weild) and you go wisdom.. the ice crystals come from the tip of your keyblade... which is bedind you because you are useing backward weild...

    so i was thinking that if you could make the keyblade REALLY small, then the magic would come from the tip of the keyblade.. which would be REALLY close to your hand!

    the whole yelow hair thing would be hard because i havent seen ANYBODY do it...

    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Apr 3, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  16. codebreakeronly1234
    Oh, okay. I guess you finally got your awnser : )

    I would test it myself... but im too lazy to put in all of those codes

    WOW! thanks for the comment!

    so my form wouldnt swing the second blade? the moveset was finals right?

    As far as i know, there isnt a way to mod individual peices of a model.... and for the whole "shooting" thing... thats why i wanted to know of an invisible keyblade code, becaus ewhen you shoot it would look like it is coming from your hand... or a size mod would work, like make the keyblade REALLY small, so that the attacks would come almost coem from your hands.
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Apr 3, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  17. codebreakeronly1234
    Hey, can somebody test this form for me? its my first one

    Blaze Form(drive into valor)

    51CB9810 00000020 <--- Valor looks like Master
    01CB9750 00000000
    01CB9796 00000005 <---- Final Moveset
    21CFBDEC 000000BC <-----Ninja Weild(Backwards Weild)
    201A0568 10000006 <-----Instant MP Charge
    2037EB1C 34E00000 <-----More Electricity/effects on drive
    2037B3B0 34E00000 <----"Cool Drive"

    Oh, and ill ask again, does anybody know of an "invisible keyblade" code?
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Apr 3, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  18. codebreakeronly1234
    Hey, luxord.

    You shoud make a "Luxord Form" or "Gambit Form" or somthin

    It'll give us a reminder of how awesome you are.
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Apr 1, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  19. codebreakeronly1234
    Oh, you mean like in wisdoms finisher when sora holds the keyblade "gangsta" style, and shoots from behind....

    No, currently there is no code that can replace a SINGLE attack.

    BUT there IS a code that makes you be able to use Wisdoms ENTIRE moveset.

    If you are to lazy to look on the front page(lol, so am I)

    Here it is:

    This one is neo moveset mod.

    Sora Has Wisdoms Moveset
    01CB9736 00000003

    If that doesnt work try this

    200F9000 10400005
    200F9004 944F004C
    200F9008 24010001
    200F900C 142F0002
    200F9010 240F0003
    200F9014 A44F004E
    200F9018 03E00008
    201D14F4 0803E400
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Mar 31, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  20. codebreakeronly1234
    Hey guys, im working on my form again...

    If there are any coders or "codies" that can explain to me how to use these codes:

    More Electricity/Effects on Drives (Lower Value, More Effects.)
    2037EB1C ???????? <---what numbers do i put here?

    Special Effects Width Mod
    2037EAC0 ???????? <----Same as above

    "Cool Drive" [D]
    2037B3B0 ???????? <---- Same as others


    And is there a code that makes your weopans invisible? but they can still hit ect..
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Mar 31, 2009 in forum: Code Vault