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  1. codebreakeronly1234
    ok since there is proof of tons and tons of keyblade masters, do you think that there will be a series that deviates away from the whole sora/roxas/kiari/ansem/etc. thing? And that also raises quiestions of who was the first? who was the best? when was the first heartless created? what did the first keyblade look like? when was the first keyblade master born?


    but it really does let the imagination run wild!
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Jun 7, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. codebreakeronly1234
    so thats a coding device? to MAKE codes. Or is it a emulator cheat program?
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Jun 7, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  3. codebreakeronly1234
    What program do the coders use for DS games? I know that for PS2 it requires PS2Dis which lets them examine the variables and Etc.

    so, can somebody tell me what it is?
    Thread by: codebreakeronly1234, Jun 7, 2009, 11 replies, in forum: Code Vault
  4. codebreakeronly1234
    WOAH. Slooooow Down. What?

    Mset and Movesets are different? I thought the .mset was what makes the models move, jump ect, but people just call it a moveset.

    P.S. Is there a way to get "God Mode" to work on a flashcart?
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Jun 5, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  5. codebreakeronly1234
    AntiWeapon, are you implying somthing? hmmm??? HMMM?!?!
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Jun 5, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  6. codebreakeronly1234
    Is there a way to mod movesets yet?

    Becuase it would me awesome to have roxas use DW roxas moveset!

    or we could have roxas use axels or somthing

    Yeah I had that problem too. You need to go to

    scroll down until you see some RED text, then beneath it, there will be a bar that says: r4cce (R4 Cheat Code Editor) ver.0.86.

    Click on the blue link that says

    then just run the .exe and do what you normally do!
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Jun 5, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  7. codebreakeronly1234
    Ive heard that the enimies will be the Heartless, Nobodies, and Unbirths(whatever they are called)

    Im not sure about all that Xehanort stuff. I guess we will find out in BBS! Because its like the Prequel to everything. From what people say, without terra and master Xehanort, None of the kingdom hearts would have a storyline. Because "Ansem" is Xehanorts heartless, Xemnas is Xehanorts Nobody, and Xehanort is actually terra. ?.? I dont really understand it tho.
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Jun 5, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. codebreakeronly1234
    Its the mission AFTER. The one with pete is you have to follow him, then you go in, and you have to kill all of the heartless, and your with xion. This is the one where you go to the same place, but Abu is getting attacked by heartless and you save him. But I dont know what to do after this.
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Jun 5, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  9. codebreakeronly1234


    If You want to be spoiled go ahead.

    If Not, Then Leave before its too late!

    Ok, I go to the area of agrabah where the door that has a sandstorm on the other side is. And A cutscene type thing activates with Abu crying and some heartless appear and I kill them. What do I do now? I Went into that jaguar thing or whatever, but I cant seem to get the mission bar up, no matter what I try. Can somebody help me?
    Thread by: codebreakeronly1234, Jun 5, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  10. codebreakeronly1234
    im not sure. what you mean. could you post a screenshot? or somthing?

    This is a dumbed down version of how to use the all panel spaces cheat.

    copy your save file to a second slot.
    restart the game with only the panel spaces cheat on.(if your on emu, completely close the emu, then re open it.)
    HERE is the part where people get mesed up.

    go to mission mode and select the save file you want to use, the only thing is that one of the save files will have yellow letters. that means it is corrupted. load the OTHER ONE THAT YOU COPIED INTO SLOT 2. you did that right?

    press "a" until you get to character select.
    select ANY character.
    save the game.
    restart game with whatever cheats but NOT the panel spaces cheat.
    go to stroy mode and load the file that you just save into.
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Jun 5, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  11. codebreakeronly1234
    Hey, the only problem is that the Limit Break Anytime code doesnt really work correctly. Becasue when you hold "A" roxas or whoever charges up but only does one combo. I think its becasue the litttle limit line (you know, the white one that moves across your Hp bar) is ALL the way at the full-end of your hp bar.

    Other than that, THANKS!
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Jun 3, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  12. codebreakeronly1234
    I dont use that code for INF HP. I use this one:

    HP Never Decreases
    020AC720 E1A00000

    Works for me!
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Jun 3, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  13. codebreakeronly1234
    HMM. I know that when you use the play as DW roxas you have the oblivion and oathkeeper. so it must be SOMEWHERE in there, but the coders are still working out bugfixes for BASIC codes atm. sp dont expect any crazy hacks quite yet.
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Jun 1, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  14. codebreakeronly1234
    Have All Panel Spaces
    12193F28 0000FFFF

    BTW. This is on a flashcart.

    Ya that was teh problem. MY BAD. i meant re-open the game. reseting keeps som memory left over. its like refreshing so it wont work.

    So you got all of the panel spaces? sorawithriku? If you did, make sure to tell a coder.
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, Jun 1, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  15. codebreakeronly1234
    AH! But Never Fear! I Have the solution!

    Step 1. BACK UP your .sav file!

    Step 2. Load the game (without cheats) and save into a 2nd or 3rd slot. MAKE SURE YOU DO THIS!!!

    Step 3. Restart the game with the ONLY the Max Panel code, But THIS time, go to mission mode and press "A" until you get to the save select. one file will have yellow letters, the other will be normal. Click the normal one.

    Step 4. Pick Roxas and go to the Equip bar (should be second one down) Make sure that you have all of the panels.

    Step 5. Save the game. Doesnt matter what slot you save it in, because when you go to save, no files are corrupt.

    Step 6. Restart the game with whatever cheats you want.

    Step 7. Go to your Equip area, and BOOM! you have all of the panels!
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, May 31, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  16. codebreakeronly1234
    Profile Post

    Well... Welcome back!

    Well... Welcome back!
    Status Update by codebreakeronly1234, May 31, 2009
  17. codebreakeronly1234
  18. codebreakeronly1234
    Yeah, I have the game, and im on Day74.

    He hit him so that his health would drop in to the yellow zone. Once its in the yellow, you can hold "A" button, then he goes into limit break.

    And lemme tell you guys. THIS GAME IS AWESOME!
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, May 31, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  19. codebreakeronly1234
    I Would Call the left one Ven, the right one Aqua, and The user would be Terra. Ven would look like.... ok.

    I magine the kindgom key, then imagine the shaft was magnetic. then you drop it in a giant bucket full of needles. pull it out, and thats what it would look like. Its power would be UNBREAKABLE Aero/Gaurd.

    Aqua would look likae it was a katana made of water. Kind of like tidus's blade from final fantasy X, you know the brotherhood or whatever? Its power would be HP regen.
    Post by: codebreakeronly1234, May 25, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. codebreakeronly1234