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  1. MisterGrieves

    So calm and relaxing.
    Post by: MisterGrieves, Feb 27, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  2. MisterGrieves
    Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. It is... indeed a trippy book, haha.
    Post by: MisterGrieves, Feb 27, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  3. MisterGrieves


    For now, just journal writing. I'm not that big on it yet, but I do enjoy it. I guess I included it as one of my activities because I don't have that many activities to begin with. :P
    Post by: MisterGrieves, Feb 27, 2011 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  4. MisterGrieves


    I don't know why exactly, but I've just fallen in love with the Kingdom Hearts series recently. And I originally played Kingdom Hearts when I was just 8 years old (I'm 16 now). My recent obsession started when I got 358/2 Days for Christmas. I played through it, and felt like I needed another dose of KH. I got Birth by Sleep, and that just amazed me. Last week, I started playing through KHI again. Tonight, I ordered Re:coded online.

    I also joined this forum in hopes that it'll give me something to do once school starts again on Monday. I'll most likely have to ditch videogames during the week to allow for some schoolwork to be done.

    Anyway, what's there to know about me? My name is Matt, and like I said already, I'm 16, and I enjoy videogames (PS3, PSP, DS), reading, listening to music, and writing.
    Thread by: MisterGrieves, Feb 27, 2011, 11 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures