Psshhh. Nothin much. XD
Yo! XP I joined cuz I was bored... GO VK! KANAME ROX!
hbu? XP lolz
Hey, what's up? XP
Cloud, he's not really involved with Sora as much as Leon, Yuffie, or anyone else, but he sure makes things interesting. And if it wasn't for him, you couldn't fight Sephiroth in this game -gasp- ! XP
I love gamblers because they look awsome, and they're very easy, easier than dusks. Dancers are probably my second favorite, just because they're Demyx's nobodies.
I like Lazy Afternoons, it's calm. XP
OMG I was just so happy after I beat him. Although, a lvl 100 Sora would make things interesting.
Twice. One of those times, I died even though he helped me. I think it was the Xaldin fight XP
Simple and Clean (remixed version) is better than Sanctuary in my opinion. But only if it's the remixed version.
Yeah, he did change a lot. But it's a good change, I like the older Sora. His voice doesn't sound as high pitched, it sounds more mature now. And his clothes are a lot better in KH2. But that's my opinion.
I really want to know who his somebody is. But until we figure it out, I'm just going to say it's Reno. He has almost everything in common, and I know he was like, inspired by Reno. You never know, it could be some random person no one has seen before, or doesn't even exist until some new KH game.
That's true. Also, I don't know about you, but if I died during the mass nobody fight and had to restart the who boss battle, I would throw my PS2 out the window. Yeah, I might've died because Sora's by himself.
Which one would it be? I really hope no one's already made a thread like this. XP I would take Saix's hair. Definitely.
Wait, is it strongest or who you like better? Because if it's strength, I'd just have to go with Nobodies. But the beserkers are so annoying, so I like Heartless better (with the exception of fat bandits of course XP).
Yeah, and if you can read emotions from a lion's face, your amazing. XP
That's what I thought... I think that it's only borrowed though. If she does have one, she should use it more often. XP
They should give her a keyblade so no one can call her weak anymore... X3
Which character would it be, which keyblade, and why? Personally, I would give Axel Bond of Flame so he can kick major ass and not die. Either him or Kairi (she would get Lady Luck) so nobody can call her weak anymore. Kairi is awesome! X3
Why is Namine winning? I mean, isn't Namine gone? Why are people saying that Namine is better than Kairi anyway? They're both the same person. Namine's powers come from Kairi because Namine came from Kairi. Who knows, Kairi could have even better powers that no one knows about. Also, I think Kairi's more important to the story.