Wait... does that mean you're favorite pairing is SoraXRikuXKairi (in that order)? O_o Hi, I'm mudstripe! I post way too much around the Kh and Kh2 forums! XP Have a great time posting!
Old songs. You just gotta love 'em. XP
Although KH1 was the intro, and the intro's usually have the best story, I'd have to go with KH2 just because they introduced nobodies and organization XIII. I hated the story for CoM because that's where they introduce Namine and make Sora forget about Kairi (having SoraXKairi moment). DX
I am so going to pre-order it... but how can someone pre-order it for $5?
It's interesting to see Demyx witha new guitar, although I like his first one from KH2 better. XP The new keyblade looks cooler though.
That is pretty cool. Walk around with purple contacts and an Organization cloak! That would be awesome! XP
I think that's the same release date for the pre-ordered ones from Game Stop... right? X3 I wish it would come out sooner!!!
They were both decent bosses, but I would probably have to go for Terra. X3
You mean all the ones except for the fat bandits... right? X3
Actually, I like every form except wisdom form. It's too easy to get hit.
Yeah, it was annoying to have to keep coming back. They could have at least let you finish all of it in one go. But I wouldn't say it's boring, the songs make it worth while. XP And I don't know about you, but I thought it was a little challenging the first time I played it.
Not if you see what happens in CoM. She makes Sora forget about Kairi... -sob sob-
My favorites are Oath Keeper and Bond of Flame. Why? Oath Keeper: Because it looks awesome and it's a pretty decent keyblade Bond of Flame: Because Axel gives it to you when he dies. It's so sad... DX
Not really. Well, maybe in KH1, but not really in KH2.
Which ones? I think guardian soul would go to Goofy XP and anything with high magic to Donald.
My favorite was definitely Twilight Town or Atlantica. There wasn't as much fighting, I didn't die as much, and they had fun mini-games. My least favorite was probably Argrabah or Pride Lands. They were just so annoying.
k gotta go now, bye bye XP
Oh yeah, tons of fun XP No seriously, just posting random stuff in forums. I'm bored out of my mind.
Saix's hair, Axel's voice, Demyx's wepon, and Xemnas' eyes. lolz XP
Omg... that was creepy. Vexen with Larxene's laugh is so funny though! XP